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The Testimony of a Good Conscience
Stats: 7,573 words / Reading Time: 37.87 mins

Published: Wednesday, 30th March 2022

By: Obayomi Abiola Benjamin

The Testimony of a Good Conscience is read 2.0K times on CentreNDL.org 2.0K


Understanding the Dichotomy Between the Holy Spirit and Human Conscience

Listen To Podcast: The Testimony of A Good Conscience

In this piece, I want to share with us something that the Holy Spirit has laid in my heart to share with us. And it is titled: The Testimony of a Good Conscience. Now this piece of writing is going to be an exposition. And when we are talking about an expository writing, it is such a writing that focuses on a subject matter in order to convey an information or explain what is difficult to understand. So that is the meaning of an expository piece. So, what we're about to reveal to ourselves is an exposition. We want to focus our attention on the subject matter of conscience. I believe that word is not strange to us, right. So, we are going to be looking at what a good conscience is from the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit is going to be revealing certain things to us that I believe He want us to understand.


Now let's start our observation from the book of 2Corinthians chapter 1, we are going to read from verse 12-14. And then we will also read 1Timothy chapter one, from verse 1-5, and then we'll jump to verse 18-20. Those are the two texts that's going to form the basis of this writeup. But let's start from 2Corinthians chapter 1, from verse 12-14. Now look at what apostle Paul wrote in this particular place. It says:


“For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience…” Did we see that? So, from this little introduction, we see that there is such a thing as the testimony of man's conscience, that tells us that our conscience does testify, isn't that what he's saying? You see, your conscience can testify either against you or it can testify for you. Do we understand? So, whether your conscience testifies against you, or it testifies, you know, for you or in support of you, there is something that you must not, you know, forget is that your conscience can testify whether it is positive or negative. So, your conscience is not dormant. Your conscience plays an active role in your life. And that was what Paul was saying. He says: “our boastings”, what we boast in is this: the testimony of our conscience. So, Paul acknowledged the fact that our conscience does testifies. Now what did he say? Let's read further.


It says: “that we…” talking about Paul himself and other apostles, “that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity…” So, when Paul wrote that their conscience was testifying, this was exactly what that conscience was testifying. It says: “that we conducted ourselves the way and manner, we carried ourselves when we were among you, or when we were in the world, was in simplicity, and godly sincerity. It says: “not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you. 13 For we are not writing any other things to you than what you read or understand.” Now, all these things that Paul was saying, were the testimony of their conscience, it was not the testimony of the Holy Spirit. It was not God. Paul was saying this was what our conscience says concerning us, and this is our boasting. It says further: “Now I trust you will understand, even to the end 14 (as also you have understood us in part), that we are your boast as you also are ours, in the day of the Lord Jesus.”


Now, do we understand those few verses? So, Paul was able to establish to us that conscience can testify, either to the fact that you have done something wrong, or you have done something good. So, Paul said that when we conducted ourselves among you, and in all of those things, he says, our conscience did not condemn us. Our conscience did not indict us. Our conscience actually told us that the way and manner we conducted ourselves among you was good. And so, Paul was able to say, in this I am going to boast; that in all our ministry assignment to you, in all the writings that we wrote to you, our conscience never told us that we did anything wrong. And so, he said, I am going to boast in this. Now what exactly is it that I want us to establish in this place? It is the fact that Paul said, our conscience does testify. Notice he didn't say the Holy Spirit, are we following? Very soon we are going to understand the difference between our conscience and the Holy Spirit. But in this place, Paul did not say this is what the Holy Spirit say to us, he says our conscience.


Now let's jump to 1Timothy chapter 1, from verse 1-5. Let's look at another thing that Apostle Paul said, in that particular place. The Bible says:


“Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ, our hope, 2 To Timothy, a true son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. 3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia—remain in Ephesus that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine, 4 nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith. 5 Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith…”


I want us to zoom our attention on verse five. It says: “Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, a good conscience and from sincere faith.” There are three things that I quickly want to point to us from those five verses that we just read. Three things that are germane that Apostle Paul was talking about in that part place. Number one, Paul said the basis upon which God is going to judge, whether we truly love or not, is if it is borne out of a pure heart. That's the first thing you must notice. So, whatever you are doing, either for God or you are doing among the brethren, it says the basis upon which God will judge it is if it emanates from a pure heart. So that also presupposes something that if there is a pure heart, there is also an impure heart.


Some motives for example can be good, but it can come from a heart that is not pure. Do you understand? Let me give you an example. If you say, “Mr. B, give me money.” And he says, “I don't have money”, but you insist on him giving you the money. Even though Mr. B is not happy that he wants to give you the money, but eventually he did give you the said amount. You end up becoming happy that you have received the money, but it did not come from his heart. So, that tells you that certain actions can be good on the outside. But it may emanate from an impure heart, because Paul said, “Now the commandment is love from a pure heart.” So, if there is something called a pure heart, then know that there is an impure heart and if God is going to judge the things you are doing, it is going to be based on the things you do out of love from a pure heart. So, the first thing we understand is this, that an action can be good but it can come from a heart that is not pure and Paul was saying that if God is going to judge, He is going to judge our love walk from a pure heart.


Let me give us an example of Abel and Cain. Genesis chapter 4, from verse 3-7. Let me show us something from that story that I believe we know very well. But there is something the Holy Spirit want me to point to us talking about this pure heart, pure conscience and a heart that is impure. The Bible says:


“And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord. 4 Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering, 5 but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell. 6 So the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”


Now, let me show us something very briefly. The Bible didn't tell us why God rejected the offering of Cain, other than the fact that he did not do well. Now the Bible does not show us any previous actions of either Cain or Abel for us to be able to judge them whether they did well or they did not do well. There was no action, God just told them straight “your offering was not accepted because you did not do well.” You know, if two teams are playing, and a team happens to win and the other team, you know lost; you can say that the reason why this other team lost is because they didn't play well. You can say that their defense was bad. You can say that the attackers were not attacking very well, because you saw what happened and on the basis of what you saw you were able to judge who’s done well or not.


But we did not see what Abel and Cain did. God only said that Cain did not do well, and his offering was rejected. But if you inquire further in the same Bible, if you go to Hebrews chapter 11, verse 4, you will discover what actually happened. The Bible actually showed us why Cain’s offering was not accepted. It says: “By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks.” God was the one who witnessed their offerings and God was the one who also pronounced judgment on what they brought as offerings. So, even though you and I weren’t there, God was present. God was the one who testified of who brought the best offering out of the two of them.


Now, the reason why Cain’s offering was rejected was simple. It was not borne out of faith. So simple as that, because if the book of Hebrews was not written to clarify this matter, we'll just continue to wonder what exactly Cain did to warrant his offering being rejected. Abel’s offering was accepted because it was done out of faith while that of Cain was rejected because it didn’t come from the place of faith. Now, don't forget, faith is a thing of the heart. The Bible says in Romans 10 that “you must confess Jesus with your mouth and believe with your heart” for you to be saved. So, when we talk about faith, it is something that emanates from your heart. So, the Bible says “By faith, Abel offered an acceptable offering.” In other words, he did it from a pure heart. He did it from a pure conscience. The Bible says whatever that is not of faith is a sin. So, do you get the point as to why Cain’s offering was rejected now? Because it was not from faith, it is as simple as that.


Before that time, Cain had never killed anybody lest we say well, it was a sin that was preventing him, No! Cain did not do it from faith, he did not offer his offering from a pure conscience and from a good heart. And so, the Bible says God rejected his offering. So, when the Bible says in that first Timothy chapter one, verse five is that your love must be borne out of love, from a pure heart, it means it must emanate from a pure conscience. Your conscience must be able to testify that this love-walk, this thing that you are doing is from love. Anything that is not of love or from love, is definitely not going to be accepted. Because the Bible says it is the basis upon which God is going to judge whatever it is you are doing. So, Paul said, let your love be from a pure heart and anything that is from a pure heart is definitely from a pure conscience. That's the first thing you will see from that verse.


Number two, there is such a thing as a good conscience. Did we see it? There is such a thing as a good conscience. Now let's read it again. It says: “Now, the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart (we have looked at that right), from a good conscience.” So, Paul is showing us that apart from the fact that your conscience testifies, it also says that there is something called a good conscience. So, if there is a good conscience, there is also a bad conscience. Number three, there is such a thing as sincere faith. Did we see that? Now look at it this way. If there is a sincere faith, what is the opposite? It means there is also a kind of faith that is insincere and a faith that is insincere, is produced by a bad conscience. Are you following? If your faith is insincere, it is not coming from a good conscience, it is coming from an impure conscience, and from a bad conscience. So, it is of necessity for us to love, number one, from a pure heart, and from a good conscience, and from sincere faith. Now notice all these things I'm showing us, you know, I said it is an exposition.


Paul was not talking about the Holy Spirit in this place. Paul was talking about things that should be normal, and regular with believers, with Christians. Because many times we try to bundle everything on the Holy Spirit and until the Holy Spirit does it, we don’t change, No! Certain actions must come from you that are borne out of faith and good conscience. Because even if your conscience is bad, or your conscience is not sincere, it will be difficult for the Holy Spirit to work with you. And that is why most of the times (we will get there), we will understand the works of the Holy Spirit in us, what exactly the Holy Spirit is doing in us for us as believers, so that when certain things are not working the way they should work in your life, you don't blame God and you don't blame the Holy Spirit. You simply look inward. You look at your life.


Now, let's jump to verse 18 to 20 (1 Timtohy 1). Look at what Paul said to Timothy further: “This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, 19 having faith and a good conscience…” now can we see this thing coming again and again, and again; “which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck, 20 of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.”


Paul said to Timothy, he says, the prophesy that has gone ahead of you. He says wage a good warfare with them. So that tells you that if there are prophecies on your life, you don't sit down and fold your hands and fold your legs and say, “God, prophecies have gone ahead of me, let me just sit down and wait until they come to pass, no!” When you receive the Word of prophecies, Paul said to Timothy, wage a good warfare with them. Are we following? But he didn't say wage a good warfare alone. Look what he said. He says: “having faith and a good conscience…” So, you wage a good warfare with the prophecies that is upon your life or the prophecies that you have received from faith and good conscience.


So, prophecies don't just fall on your head just by sitting down and do nothing. You are to wage a good warfare with the prophecies that have gone ahead of you from a standpoint of faith and good conscience.


So, if you have been battling with certain things, or you have been praying, trusting God for certain prophecies that are yet to come to pass in your life, it may be because you have not yet started waging good warfare with it. It says “having faith and a good conscience.” So, it means that for any prophecy to come into fruition in our lives, it takes number one, waging war with that prophecy; number two, faith and number three, good conscience, not fasting and prayer. Now these are basic Bible teachings that sometimes we neglect. But the Holy Spirit is not neglecting them. You see, it is not all the time that you go to the mountains and do 40 days and 40 nights, certain things in your life take place from the standpoint of understanding and knowledge. All the Scriptures we've been reading so far, you know, has Paul said that we should add three days fasting and prayer to them, climb the mountain and wait on God for…No!  These are basic Christian tenets, basic Christian teachings that you and I must be familiar with. It is not everything that is ‘gbasgbos’ in the kingdom of God. Although we wage a good warfare in the kingdom of God, do we even know that that warfare has been won for us already, the victory has been given to us. The Bible says we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us; isn't that the Bible says? Who is the Chief Conqueror? It is Christ Jesus Himself.


But Jesus knew that the devil would want to wage a battle. You know, the devil always come with battle. He wants to see if he can take away from you what God has given to you. Your inheritance is in God, the devil is constantly battling them. That was how he got it from Adam and Eve. So, he still in the same business. So, when you are waging a good warfare, it is not because you are afraid of being defeated. The victory already has been given to you on a platter. But there is a certain understanding, knowledge that we must have, so that we can walk in true Dominion in the kingdom of God. So, it's not everything that is ‘gbasgbos’, in the kingdom of God, it is about knowledge. It is about what understanding. So, when there is a prophecy in your life, he says, wage a good warfare with that prophecy from the standpoint of faith, and from the standpoint of a good conscience.


Now, what is a good conscience? Because we have been hearing good conscience, it may be strange to some of us, what exactly you know; that good conscience is. What is a good conscience? Now, before we can talk about what a good conscience is, it is first and foremost important that we talk about, you know, something I call the anatomy of the human conscience. Now, when we talk about conscience, where exactly is it in our life? Where exactly is it in our makeup? Where can it be found? What exactly is it doing? Now the human conscience is a subsidiary of the human mind. Now, how many of us know that we have a mind? You know you have a mind. Your mind is a faculty of your soul. Do we understand? Let's do some basic Bible teachings. Man is spirit, that has a soul, and lives in the body. Your physical body is the physical structure that houses your spirit and your soul. Your spirit is made or created after the image of God.


The Bible says God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. So, if God is Spirit, and He made us in His image, definitely man is spirit. And so, God gave man a soul. Now your soul is the seat of your personality. Your soul is who you really are. Your spirit is your essence, your real you. Your soul is your personality, and your physical body is like a casing that houses your spirit and your soul. Now when we are talking about your mind, your mind is a component of your soul, not your spirit. Your soul is divided into three parts, your mind, your will and your emotion. Your mind is the thinking faculty, all the thinking that has ever taken place in your life and that will still take place, as long as you live; takes place in your mind. So, when you sit down and you say, “I am thinking” it is your mind that is at work.


Your ‘will’ is your decision faculty. So, after you have thought about a thing you make a decision; is that not what happens? “So, I have given it a thought and these and these are the things I will do” is that not so? So, I am thinking, what am I going to eat tonight? Okay, can I eat rice? Can I eat beans? Can I eat poundo yam? And you arrive at a conclusion: I'm going to eat rice. So, the moment you arrive at the point that it is rice that you want to eat, your will has come into play, a decision has been made. And your emotion is where you emote from, is where you give expression to what is happening in your immediate environment. For example, if I pinch you now, what do you do? You will jump off your chair “like oh, why did you pinch me so much.” But if I pinch a dead person, nothing's going happen. So, when you respond to stimuli, it is from your emotions, it is from there you cry from, it is from there you smile from, it is from there you laugh from. When you are sad, we know by your emotions, when you are happy, we know by your emotions. So, when we are talking about your conscience, your conscience is a subsidiary of your mind.


Your conscience is not your mind. Your conscience is a department in your mind. So, if you look at your mind, as a whole university, that's the analogy that came to my spirit. Your mind is a university. Now don't forget universities have faculties, right? So, if your mind is a university, your conscience is a faculty in that university or if you imagine your mind, as a faculty in your soul, then your conscience is a department in that faculty. For example, you have faculty of Social Sciences, right? Now, you know Faculty of Social Sciences have several departments, you have Department of Sociology, you have Department of Anthropology, you have Department of Economics, and so on and so forth.


So, if your mind is a faculty on its own, then your conscience a department in that faculty. So, in essence, your conscience is a subsidiary of your mind. Your conscience is not your mind but a subsidiary of your mind. Now, let me take it a bit spiritual so that you know what I just explained to you in psychology, science. Now let's take it spiritual. Now, the first awareness, pay attention, the first awareness of what is good and evil, came through man's conscience. Do we get that? The first awareness of anything that is good or evil came through or comes through our conscience and not through the Holy Spirit. Now, how many of us are struggling with that statement; like what is going on?


The first awareness of whether something is bad or good comes through the conscience of man. It is a faculty or a department of our mind that God puts there since He created us. Okay, let's go to the Bible. Genesis Chapter 3 from verse 6-8. Let's take it home, because this understanding will help you to know that there is a difference between your conscience and the Holy Spirit because some people when their conscience is speaking, they attribute it to the Holy Spirit. But you need to be able to understand the dichotomy between the two. Your conscience is not equal to the Holy Spirit. As a matter of fact, the Holy Spirit is bigger than any man's conscience. Do you agree with that? So, your conscience cannot be equal to the Holy Spirit. Your conscience plays the role of letting you understand what is good and evil, what is good and evil, what is right and what is wrong.


Now Genesis Chapter 3 from verse 6-8, let's start from there. The Bible says:


“So, when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked…” Please pause. The eyes of them were opened and they knew that they were naked…was it the angel of God that came to tell them that they were naked, please, was there an account that, oh, and angel Gabriel landed in the garden and say, you've done it; was it the Holy Spirit? The moment they ate the forbidden fruit, their conscience came alive and it quickly pointed to them that an infraction had taken place that has the appearance of evil. It says “they knew”, it was not revealed to them by the Holy Spirit or an angel. They themselves from within themselves knew that something fundamentally wrong had happened. Why? Because their conscience became opened to their immediate environment, it was not something that they were aware of before this time or before they ate the fruit.


So, the moment they ate of that fruit, their conscience became alive. They started to understand that evil had taken place. The angel didn’t tell them. Read further: “and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings. 8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.” Before that time were they hiding from God? So, when they ate of that forbidden fruit, it opened them up into the realm of consciousness. Now, before this time, don't forget, they were made in the image of God and in His likeness. So, they were functioning in the class of God, they were spirit, although they already had the body, but they were still aware, their consciousness before this time was about God alone. They knew that God exists. That was all the preoccupation of their mind was, that God exists, and He visits us regularly.


But the moment they ate, that consciousness opens them to what is known as evil. Before that time, there was no record that there was an evil because they were naked before that time, and they did not know, there was no knowledge of nakedness in them. Do we understand? Okay.


You know I said that the first knowledge about what is good and evil comes from the man's conscience and not from the Holy Spirit right? Now let's go to the New Testament. John chapter 8, from verse 3-9. Let me show us in the New Testament. Now you and I know that when Jesus was physically on earth, the Holy Spirit was not given right? Is that not what it is? Do you know that? Do you have that understanding? That when Jesus was on earth, the Holy Spirit was not yet given? Because the Bible says Jesus had not yet been glorified. So, let's look at what happens. How do people know what is good and what is evil? What is bad and what is wrong. John chapter eight, from verse three, to nine. Look at what the Bible says.


“Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, 4 they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?” 6 This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. 7 So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” 8 And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9 Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.”


The Bible says their conscience. So, before this time, these people themselves were sinners. They had done certain things in the past, that Jesus was not aware of, the woman caught in the act of adultery was not aware of, except for the fact that as at that material time, she was the sinner, and every other person was righteous. You and I didn't know what these people had done in the past. But they knew, in their subconsciousness, it has been recorded, that they themselves were sinners in the past. So, Jesus knew that understanding. And Jesus came from that angle, “if there is anyone among you here, who had not sinned before” he did not say “sin in the present.” Don't mix it up. It was the woman that was caught, so the woman was a sinner. But Jesus said: If there is anyone among you here, who doesn't have a record of sin, from the time that he or she had been given birth to up to this material time, let that person be the first to cast the stone. Jesus was the only one among them who has that record. No other person.


So, the Bible says their conscience started showing them one after the other. “Do you remember what you did that time? You want to tell me you are not a sinner?” It was not the Holy Spirit; it was their conscience, the Holy Spirit had not come on the scene here, No. The awareness of what is good and bad, is from human conscience, not first and foremost from the Holy Spirit, get it and get it well. So, all the records sin that they themselves had, their conscience was exhuming them from their mind. Now, don't forget your mind has the capacity to store up information, you understand. There is what is called the subconscious mind. There is what is called the present consciousness. For example, let me give you an example. Your present consciousness or your present awareness is what you are aware of right now, as you are seated here. For example, you are aware that you are reading this article right now, either on your mobile phone or on a laptop. You are aware of your physical environment, as it is right now, this material time.


But you know, there are certain things you've done in the past that you are not aware of right now. Those things are stored up in our subconscious mind. So, consciousness tells you about your physical environment right now, but there are certain things also that you have done that even though you are not aware, right now, it takes somebody to pinpoint it to you that Mr. Francis, do you know you did something several years ago? And he said yes, it's true. I did it why? Because your conscience pulled it out for you. So, when Jesus asked them if you are without sin, be the first to cast the stone. And then, all of them started saying “ah no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no” I'm not that righteous to the point that I can stone this woman because I remember.  And so, the Bible says they started leaving one after the other. And it was remaining only Jesus.


Jesus was the only person that was capable enough to stone her and judge and condemn her. But the emphasis is the Bible says, being convicted by their conscience. Their conscience showed them, like in a television, their inadequacies, that they were not capable enough to stone that woman. It was not an angel. No, no angel showed up. No Holy Spirit showed up. It was their conscience. So, when we talk about our conscience, it is the first litmus test for you and I, when it comes to things that are right or wrong, things that are good or bad, not even the Holy Spirit.


The Dichotomy Between the Holy Spirit and Human Conscience


Many times, people don’t understand the difference between their conscience at work and the Holy Spirit at work in their lives. The Holy Spirit is not the same as our conscience. As a matter of fact, the Holy Spirit is bigger and greater than our conscience. Our conscience is a subsidiary of the mind, that points us to the knowledge of right and wrong, good and evil, etc. Part of the work of the Holy Spirit in man’s life after salvation is to work on the man’s conscience to be conscious of God again. Paul wrote in Acts 24:16: “This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offence toward God and men.” So, when a believer is being convicted of wrong doing, know it for sure that your conscience is alive and active. Also, in Romans 9:1-2, Paul wrote: “I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, 2 that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart.”


So, a good conscience is that conscience that is subject to the Holy Spirit, that is of faith and that is sincere. A good conscience is that conscience that has been purified by the word of God and by the blood of Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 9:11-14, the Bible says:


“But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. 12 Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. 13 For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh, 14 how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”


How to Maintain a Good Conscience



Don’t be a man or a woman who is good today and tomorrow is bad. Let your conduct be good at every point in time. 1 Peter 3:15-16 says: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; 16 having a good conscience, that when they defame (insult, denigrate) you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.”



The Bible made it clear that whatever that is not of faith is a sin. To maintain a good conscience, let your all that you do be a product of faith. 1 Timothy 3:8-9 says: “Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money, 9 holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience.”



Don’t allow the things of this world to contaminate your mind. Always allow the Holy Spirit to do the work of purifying your mind so that it can produce good conscience always. When your mind is purified, your conscience will also be purified. Titus 1:15-16 says: “To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled. 16 They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.”


May the Lord help us to maintain a good conscience always in the Holy Spirit.

Thanks for the gift of your time, I am Obayomi Abiola Benjamin!

Feel free to share your thoughts or testimony in the comment box below. I promise to respond to them as soon as possible!

Word of Confession: (Optional)

Lord Jesus, I confess to you that I have sinned against the LORD God - in the rebellion of my heart, I have disappointed your expectations on my life. I have fallen from Your grace and followed wrong influences around me. Today, I retrace my steps back to you - and I ask that in your mercy you accept me as your son and give to me (again) the promise of the Father - the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus, please, come and make my heart your home, and from there rule in the affairs of all men. In Jesus Name I have prayed.


Conscience Holy Spirit Good Conscience Human Conscience Warfare Prophecies Timothy

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I am Abiola Benjamin Obayomi, a disciple of Jesus Christ, with a drive to mentor young believers into spiritual maturity. I am a student of God's word and a teacher as well, with passion in the areas of relationship & spiritual development. I am a worshipper, an ardent lover and follower of the Lord Christ.

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