An important factor in the trigger of manifestations; to be a burning and a shining light to a nation, to a generation and to a people sitting in darkness, is for the glory of the Lord to alight upon you. But as much as this is true, if you don’t arise gentiles will not see your light and kings will not come to the brightness of your rising.
Published: Friday 11th October 2024 164
There are three ways to be guided, to be led or to receive wisdom; either from the Holy Spirit or from your mentors, or from mistakes. The first two factors make a huge difference in the path you choose to follow, how successful you will become and how you will fulfill that great destiny. If you acknowledge these first two, you will avoid the third.
Published: Thursday 10th October 2024 771
Your believe in Jesus gives you the power to become the son of God. But you inherit the kingdom when there is willingness to deny self and to seek first the Kingdom.
Published: Monday 23rd September 2024 322
God does fail to deliver on His promises. As you walk in His ways, as you are willing and obedient, He will do as He has said, He will make good every word He has spoken to you, He will bring you to the place of rich fulfillment.
We want to look at something that I believe is important for us, is applicable with our lives. I am sure many of us would have seen this matter before in the bible but now we want ....
We want to look at something important. And the title will scare some of us that are not thinking like fighters, it may scare some of us but once we understand the purpose of the message, I'm sure in Chri....
We will be looking at something that I believe will be helpful to us as disciples, and it will become a catalyst for our change. So, what are we looking at? We are looking at, &ldq....
We want to look at something that I believe is important for us, is applicable with our lives. I am sure many of us would have seen this matter before in the bible but now we want ....
We want to look at something that I believe is going to help us as a people, is going to strengthen us, is going to give us direction. We want to consider “The Respon....
We want to look at something important. And the title will scare some of us that are not thinking like fighters, it may scare some of us but once we understand the purpose of the m....
Welcome to the channel. In this article, we'll be looking at something that is important, whether you're on the earth or you're under the earth, wherever you are, as long as you're on the earth, this article will impact your life. ....
Imagine a world where everyone lives without a clear sense of direction. How chaotic would that be? Today, we're here to talk about something that can turn that chaos into order,....
In this article, we are looking at “The Two Sides of the Coin of the Disciple’s Journey”. And in case we want to replace that “journey”, we can use “....