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Churchshift >>>

 Preaching Christ Beyond the Four Walls of The Church
Preaching Christ Beyond the Four Walls of The Church: Understanding Our Role in the World as Disciples and Disciplers

I just want to teach us very briefly from the Word of God on something that I believe is a message for you and I at such a time as this. But beyond you and I, it is a message for the body of Christ globally. And I believe that if you know in your heart that you are part of that body of Christ, you are going to receive this message with an open heart. The message has been titled Pr....continue reading

 How A Religion Was Born
How A Religion Was Born: Can You Remain In The Religions of Men And Still Rule In The Kingdom of God?

We are considering something very briefly. We want to look at “How a Religion Was Born”, that is the title of our focus this evening. P....continue reading

 Equipping And Edifying The Church of Christ
Equipping And Edifying The Church of Christ: How To Work With Christ In Raising His People And Reigning With Them on Earth

Today we want to consider something, just fellowshipping together by the word of God. It has a title, but I don’t want us to be boxed by the title or be scared by it. We are meditating together on Equipping and Edifying the ....continue reading

 Uniting The CHURCH In A Common FAITH For A Common CAUSE (Commission)
Uniting The CHURCH In A Common FAITH For A Common CAUSE (Commission): Building The Church Of The Future

Today we are looking at something that I believe is of great benefit to us corporately and then individually. So, we should not receive this word selfishly, let us receive it as nation builders, as mothers of nations and as generational leaders. So, we are looking at “Uniting the ....continue reading

 A Mist Rising From The Church
A Mist Rising From The Church: Awakening The Church For The Imminent Revival

Today we want to look at something I believe will be thought-provoking, something we should open our eyes to, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us into the truth. We are considering: A MIST RISING FROM THE CHURCH. And I want us to go to Isaiah chapter 65, I will read verse 17 and then we will read other verses around it. The Bible says: ....continue reading

 The CAUSE of Corruption In The CHURCH
The CAUSE of Corruption In The CHURCH: Discover The MIND of God for Our Own GENERATION

Today we are looking as something important, a very sensitive matter, and I want you to be very attentive as the Lord inspires us, lest we become part of the people that God is not happy with. Today we are considering: The Cause Of Corruption In The ....continue reading

The POWER of The PULPIT: Maximizing Pulpit Time And Influence To Birth Christ In Your Congregation

Today we are looking at something that is very important, what we must all sit down to meditate on even as the Holy Spirit produces perfection in us. The work of ministry is not one that is self-assigned. You do not look at yourself one day and make yourself a minister or a servant of ....continue reading

 Christmas Celebrations
Christmas Celebrations: Are Christians Around The World Sitting On Eternal Gunpowder?

Christmas celebration, which is basically "the mass on Christ's day" is an event that began after the death of Christ, during the reign of a Roman Emperor Constantine. Prior to his time, Christians were persecuted massively and were killed at their will; however, he was said to have converted to Christianity, thus, applied some break to the killing of Christians in the Roman empire. Being a new convert as it were, he decried Chri....continue reading

 The Duty of Discipleship
The Duty of Discipleship: Do You Really Know Jesus Christ?

It is no more a news that over 1 billion people across the world today profess Jesus Christ - as either their Lord or their Saviour; while some significant number profess Jesus as both their Lord and Saviour. The concern really isn't the number of people who profess Jesus Christ as Lord or Saviour or Lord and Saviour; but the percentage of this groups (joined together) who really know the Person of Jesus Christ.   ....continue reading

 Your Walk With God
Your Walk With God: Is It Full-Time or Part-Time?

Your Walk With God: Is It Full-Time or Part-Time? is a question that rings very loud in my spirit. I am confronted with it; and so are you! No one is in any serious doubt that you have a walk with God. In fact, many people know you to be a child of God; the question on the lips of the hosts of heaven is, "Is your walk with God on a full-time basis or a part-time basis?"   Before you go d....continue reading

 Tradition of Elders Vs Word of God
Tradition of Elders Vs Word of God: Upon What Do You Build Your Local Church Congregation?

There is a Scripture that has been laid in my spirit to start with before we go into the message proper. Ephesians chapter 4, from verse 15 to verse 16. The Bible says:   "but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in....continue reading

 The Law of Covenant
The Law of Covenant: How To Transition From The Old To The New Covenant

According to the book of Amos 3:3, two can never walk together except they agree.The literal meaning of "covenant" is an agreement! According to an online Dictionary, agreement is literally a contract, from the Bible, it implies an agreement between God and His people, in which God makes promises to His people and, usually requires certain conduct from them.   ....continue reading

 The Church of God Vs The Church of Man
The Church of God Vs The Church of Man: Examining Where The Problem Is

The word "Church" was first mentioned in the New Testament in Matthew 16:18 when Jesus said to Peter "...you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." From that Scripture, few of the many things that could be deduced from it is that Jesus told Peter He was going to build a church, the type in w....continue reading

Ecclesia: The Nigerian Church and The Need For Discernment

It is disheartening to see and read about what the church of God has been reduced to, especially in Nigeria. When Jesus said "I will build my church", obviously He was not talking about putting bricks and mortals together at the time. The church He was simply talking about, in context, are people; those who have been redeemed, called out of the kingdom of darkness in....continue reading

 Temple Vs Heart
Temple Vs Heart: Which Enjoys The Greatest Resources In The Body of Christ - Church

Tonight, we are looking at something that is like a follow up to where we stopped last week. Last week, we saw by the help of the Holy Spirit, The Offering that Moves God. Tonight, we are looking at something very important. It is a question that is being asked. A question that concerns us as individuals, ....continue reading

 The Offering That Moves God
The Offering That Moves God: Sustaining Divine Supply in and for Ministry

Tonight, we are looking at something that the Lord cherishes a lot, which we must cherish. Something that is valuable to God that must become valuable to us, if we will become valuable entities in our generations. We are looking at The Offering that Moves God. Now, there are so much to be observed from that title. The first thing is offering. But it is not just an offering, it is the offering.....continue reading

 The Cause of Church Rivalry & Church Competition in Nigeria (Exposed)
The Cause of Church Rivalry & Church Competition in Nigeria (Exposed): Can The Church Ever Become One?

In the book of Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus said, ".....I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." If you meditate on the those words, you will appreciate the inevitability....continue reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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