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Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Revisiting the Fundamental Tenets of Relational Leadership

Revisiting the Fundamental Tenets of Relational Leadership: Discover the Secrets to Commanding Influence as a Leader

Leadership Strategy

Relational leadership is a leadership idea that places relationships at the core of leadership practice. It emphasizes collaboration, trust, empathy, and servant-hearted leadership. Unlike autocratic or transactional leadership styles, relational leadership fosters a culture of shared vision, empowerment, and personal development. In the Bible, leadership is often portrayed as a relational process rather than a mere position of p......Continue Reading

 The Meaning, Personality and Significance of Amen in the Kingdom of God

The Meaning, Personality and Significance of Amen in the Kingdom of God: How We Must Seal in the Kingdom

Kingdom of Christ

In this piece, we will be looking at the word Amen; How we must seal in the kingdom. In our conversation, the Holy Spirit wants to open us up to the meaning of the word, Amen. And the......Continue Reading

 Power of Words

Power of Words: How the Words of People in Your Life Really Hurt Your Growth and Success

Bible Commentary

Gboyega Adedeji: A lot of people today are struggling, and you ask, is it because they cannot do so much in life, or they're refusing to tap into their capacity? You know, one thing I've come to realize is that most people that struggle, struggle because somebody some time ago said certain things in their lives; somebody said, “they can't do it”. Somebody said, “If an......Continue Reading

 The Fundamentals of Decluttering Your Leadership

The Fundamentals of Decluttering Your Leadership: Discover 4 Ways to Declutter and Be Effective in Leadership

Leadership Growth

Many times, leaders feel overwhelmed in the course of executing their leadership assignment. The reason for this overwhelmingness often times, come as a result of getting ourselves in a myriad of activities that either slows us down, reduce our efficiency, and cramp our leadership. When this is the case, then it only means one thing: It’s time to declutter our leadership. To declutter simply means: to organize and prioritize. i......Continue Reading

 Revisiting The Fundamentals of Discipleship and Devotion to Christ Jesus

Revisiting The Fundamentals of Discipleship and Devotion to Christ Jesus: Understanding the True Test of Our Devotion to Christ


“Oh, that you would bear with me in a little folly—and indeed you do bear with me. 2 For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. 3 But I fear, lest s......Continue Reading

 Beware of Strange Fire!

Beware of Strange Fire!: Discover Why You Must Revere God with Your Priesthood


In the last few weeks, two weeks I guess, we have been considering themes around Offering, Priesthood and Worship. The reason why this is important at such a time as this is because many believers don’t operate with God on these bases adequately yet. Sometimes we, in the New Covenant may be tempted to think “Offering is an Old Testament thing, Priesthood is an Old Testament thing, Worship is an Old Testament thing” which of course t......Continue Reading

 Jesus Christ, His Government and My Role in It

Jesus Christ, His Government and My Role in It: An Exposition

Kingdom of Christ

We are in a season where we are Rediscovering the Christ. Most of the teachings on all our platforms this month have centered around the subject of Christ and in this piece, I want to share with us on what has been titled: Jesus Christ, His Government and My Role in It. Th......Continue Reading

 How To Choose and Walk in The Purpose of God

How To Choose and Walk in The Purpose of God: Discover 4 Reasons You Must Choose The Purpose of God

Self Awareness

This piece will be the final instalment on the series on purpose that started at the beginning of this month. On Monday during the Disciplers’ Convocation Meeting, the vessel of utterance taught us on Rediscovering the Will of God and while listening to the message again in the course of the week, I got inspired and it was impressed in my spirit to do this teaching.   ......Continue Reading

 Receiving Divine Guidance for Purpose and Destiny Fulfilment

Receiving Divine Guidance for Purpose and Destiny Fulfilment: Understanding 5 Things that Facilitates Divine Guidance on the Journey of Purpose

Self Awareness

The way God leads people in the Old Testament is different from the way God leads us in the New Testament. If you read Hebrews 1:1-2, the Bible says: “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets…” Here we see that God led the people in the Old Testament through the prophets. Who are prophets? Prophets are God’s mouth piec......Continue Reading

 The Perfect Marriage Pt. 2

The Perfect Marriage Pt. 2: Examining Christ And the Church as Our New Testament Marriage Model

Relationship & Marriage

Let us look at the concluding part of what we began in the first part of this series: The Perfect Marriage. Our focus in this second part is titled: Examining Christ And the Church as Our N......Continue Reading

 Revisiting the Fundamentals of Discipleship

Revisiting the Fundamentals of Discipleship: Examining the Need to Go Back to The Basics

Biblical Exposition

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” ......Continue Reading

 Understanding the Ministry of Angels to Mankind Pt. 2

Understanding the Ministry of Angels to Mankind Pt. 2: Caution for New Testament Believers


Last week, we asked this fundamental question: Do Angels Play the Role of The Holy Spirit? And from a number of texts, we discovered that angels don&rsq......Continue Reading

 The Principles of Walking With God

The Principles of Walking With God: Discover How You Can Please God Acceptably


At no time Has God left man in the dark to figure out how He can be pleased. He said to Adam, don't partake of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He also gave the children of Israel laws to follow. In the New Testament, Jesus said "if you want to come to the Father, come through me." And when Jesus was about to leave the scene, He gave us the Holy Spirit. These examples are to show us that God......Continue Reading

 The Law of Covenant

The Law of Covenant: How To Transition From The Old To The New Covenant


According to the book of Amos 3:3, two can never walk together except they agree.The literal meaning of "covenant" is an agreement! According to an online Dictionary, agreement is literally a contract, from the Bible, it implies an agreement between God and His people, in which God makes promises to His people and, usually requires certain conduct from them.   "A covenant is so important to believers beca......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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