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Church Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Leading With a Discipling Mindset

Leading With a Discipling Mindset: An Exposition of Apostle Paul Admonition to Timothy

Church Leadership

“You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 3 You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 5 A......Continue Reading

 Revisiting Servant Leadership in Christian Ministry

Revisiting Servant Leadership in Christian Ministry: Discover Why True Spiritual Leadership Is Not Autocratic

Church Leadership

Christian ministry leadership, as ordained by Scripture, is fundamentally built on the principle of servant leadership. Any deviation from this principle leads to autocracy, a system in which one individual holds absolute power, often resulting in oppression, control, and spiritual harm. The Biblical model of leadership exemplified by Jesus Christ stands in stark contrast to autocracy, emphasizing humility, service, and love. ......Continue Reading

 The Hallmarks of Effective Church Leadership

The Hallmarks of Effective Church Leadership: Discover the Ingredients for an Effective Church Leadership Assignment

Church Leadership

The church, as pointed out in the Scriptures, refers to the body of Christ. The apostle Paul reveals this to us when he wrote to the Colossians folks, thus: “And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.” ......Continue Reading

 Hireling Discipleship

Hireling Discipleship: Leadership Scenario That Does Not Help or Grow Followers

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

We want to look at something that I believe is important for us, is applicable with our lives. I am sure many of us would have seen this matter before in the bible but now we want to look at it a little bit so that we can start asking questions about ourselves and the people around us. So, we want to consider ‘Hireling ......Continue Reading

 The Pharisee, The Church and The Christ

The Pharisee, The Church and The Christ:

Church Identity

In this piece, we will be looking at the “Pharisees and the Church”. The Pharisees and the church is a very interesting conversation that the Holy Spirit wants to have with us today. But I b......Continue Reading

 Following Jesus in Nigeria

Following Jesus in Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities

Leadership Awareness

In this piece, we want to look at something that I believe is going to also provoke us to pray and to guide us as a people, as a nation to what God would have us do as such a time as this. We want to look at Following Jesus in Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities. It looks like a research work, does i......Continue Reading

 Finding Rest

Finding Rest: Unlocking the Mysteries around Sabbath, Holidays and Work

Leadership Awareness

In this article, we'll be looking at a very important topic and one that all of us are in need of. We're looking at ‘finding Rest’ and the Lord is going to be opening our eyes to the true meaning of ......Continue Reading

 Let Us Go Back from The Church to Christ

Let Us Go Back from The Church to Christ: Discover How to Experience True Transformation

Kingdom of Christ

Let's start from Genesis chapter 1 verse 26. I trust that we'll be looking at a few Scriptures in the Old Testament and a few in the New Testament. Genesis chapter 1 verse 26, the Bible says, “Then God said, let Us,” you know, the title is “Let us go back from the church to ......Continue Reading

 The Church, The March, and The Victory

The Church, The March, and The Victory:

Church Identity

The focus of this article by the help of the Holy Spirit is on ‘the Church, the March, and the Victory’. The Holy Spirit is bringing this our way because, number one; He wants to challenge us to step up and understand who we are on the earth; number two, He wants us to understand why we are h......Continue Reading

 A Chosen Heart That FULFILLS Ministry

A Chosen Heart That FULFILLS Ministry: Many Are Called, But Only A Few Are CHOSEN!

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

In this piece we will be considering something very important and I will be trusting God for grace to be able to bring to us the counsel of God. We are examining: A Chosen Heart That Fulfills Ministry. ......Continue Reading

 What Makes for Difference Among Disciples of Christ Across Denominations?

What Makes for Difference Among Disciples of Christ Across Denominations?: How The Church Becomes One Entity Under Christ Jesus

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

We want to quickly look at something that we must be sensitive in our spirit to. We want to examine: What Makes for Difference Among Disciples of Christ Across Denominations. We are using the word denominations to represent different units of the church. The church mega, the church, according to some people that they call some churches mushroom churches. Whether mushroom or mega, whether a monoculture......Continue Reading

 Managing Hope Through Faith for Effective Discipleship

Managing Hope Through Faith for Effective Discipleship: Towards A Successful Future

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick [weary]. But when the desire comes it is a tree of life” Proverbs 13:12   ......Continue Reading

 Gates: The Passageway to Destiny

Gates: The Passageway to Destiny:

Leadership Awareness

In this piece we will be looking at Gates: The Passageway to Destiny. We wa......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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