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How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 2: Greatness and the Indispensability of Grace
Kingdom of Christ
When I began the first part of this article, I talked about the indispensability of grace and the word as far as greatness is concerned and how that we need to know that coming to Jesus is what forms the basis for which we must begin our journey into greatness. And I concluded that episode by saying when you come to Jesus, ......Continue Reading
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How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 1: Understanding Greateness and the Indispensibility of Grace
Leadership Awareness
Psalm 12:6-7 says; “The words of the LORD are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times. You shall keep them, O LORD, You shall preserve them from this generation forever.” This gives an idea of the integrity of the word of God. They are true, they are infallible, they don’t fall to the ground, it represent the character, the nature and the essense of God. It cannot be broken or rendered ineffective. The Bible says heaven and earth ma......Continue Reading
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How to Avoid the Failure of Leadership and Followership: Discover the Equilibrium Points Where Both Leadership and Followership Intersects
Leadership Strategy
Many times, we talk about the failure of leadership without essentially looking at the failure of followership. As much as leaders can fail, it is also equally possible for followers to fail. The reason why everyone blames everything on leaders is simply because “everything rises and falls on leadership,” and it should never be forgotten that every great leader starts as a great follower. Now......Continue Reading
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How To Be Born and Built in The Kingdom of God: Discover the Necessity of Growing Your Spirit Man
Kingdom of Christ
In this piece, we will be looking at something that I believe will be helpful to us and is in line with the prayer that we have been praying; talking about being built up talking about faith, talking about the Word of God. So, we want......Continue Reading
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How To Inherit the Kingdom of God: Ways and Means Explained
Kingdom of Christ
In this piece, we will be looking at something that I believe is going to be instructive. We want to consider How to Inherit the Kingdom of God. I'm sure we have heard a lot of messages around that. But now, we want to look at that matter from an angle; we want to look at it from a corner and see how we can learn basic truths that could be useful for our growth. It is not enough to have head knowledge, wha......Continue Reading
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How to Be Fit for The Kingdom: Rediscovering The Necessity of Fitness as A Disciple
Leadership Growth
I would like to begin this article with a very familiar Scripture in Luke 9:62, “Jesus said to him; "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
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How to Be Fit for The Kingdom: Rediscovering The Necessity of Fitness as A Disciple
Leadership Growth
I would like to begin this article with a very familiar Scripture in Luke 9:62, “Jesus said to him; "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
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How to Find the Right Light for a Brighter Future: Discover God’s Treasure in You for a Better Future
For some weeks now, we looked through the Kingdom Experience. That it is not enough for us to be from different tribes, different backgrounds, that the goal that God has for us is that we become united in our experience. And in spite of the fact that you could be Yoruba, and then I am Igbo, so, we are different, but we are one in Christ Jesus in His kingdom. And so, because of that oneness, we're able to share experience o......Continue Reading
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How to Maximize and Sustain the Gift of Influence :
Leadership Growth
Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over [......Continue Reading
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How to Flourish in The Kingdom : Understanding the Dynamics of Growth
Leadership Growth
“Growth is not just a function of where you are planted, it is your disposition to where you are planted.”
In order to understand how to flourish in the kingdom, there are two key words I would like to ex......Continue Reading
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How to Safeguard the Gains of Your Leadership:
Leadership Growth
One of the essential elements of leadership is an understanding of how to safeguard the gains of leadership. Every leader must be able to understand the gains of his or her leadership, and also must be able to properly safeguard it. In Matthew 5:17 (MSG), the Bible showed us something that Jesus said. It says: “Don’t suppose for a minute that I have come to demolish the Scripture......Continue Reading
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How to Fulfill the Agenda of God on the Earth Part 2: Understanding the Dynamics of Dominion
Leadership Awareness
In the last episode of this series, we came to an understanding that every man is created with a Purpose and for a Purpose; and how it is not possible for a man who does not know his ......Continue Reading
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How to Start Living from the Word of God: Discover the Secrets to Start Living Indeed from the Word of God
Effective Living Strategy
I want us to look at something that I believe is part and parcel of our lives and part and parcel of our destiny. We want to look at: How to Start Living from The Word of God. Now you may be wondering, am I not living up until now? Yes, you are living. But let's look at ho......Continue Reading
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How to Fulfill the Agenda of God on the Earth Part 1: Understanding the Dynamics of Dominion
It is often said that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. Every man is created with a purpose and for a purpose; therefore, it is not possible for a man who does not know his purpose to fulfill the purpose for which he has been created. In other words, a man who does not know the agenda of God will find it difficult to fulfill the agenda of God on the earth.
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How to Measure Leadership Performance: Discover the PVC Factors to Measuring Excellent Leadership Performance
Leadership Awareness
There are a number of factors that come into play when determining excellent leadership performance. But in this podcast, I'm going to be revealing to us three of those factors that I believe are germane to measuring any excellent leadership performance at any point in time. Three of those factors, we are going to be examining with ourselves today as leaders, and then we are going to see how they determine excellent leadership performance......Continue Reading
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How We Stand and Fall in Discipleship: The Truth About Our Minds and Hearts Revealed
In this piece, we will be looking at ‘How to Rise and Fall in Discipleship’. Indeed, God has not ordained us to follow Him to fall. The call to followership is not a call for falling or unto falling. No child is born for the sole purpose of being killed, you don't start a job because you want to be fired in the same job, you don't start a thing with the goal of ending it, you don't get married just simply because you want to ......Continue Reading
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The Law of Faith: How to Work with God in the 21st Century :
Discipleship is about how to walk with someone. There is a man or a woman that is doing something, and you love the way and the manner the man or woman is walking; You love the kind of result the man is producing or commanding and you choose to follow that man, to join with the man or the woman, to copy or imitate the man; that makes you a disciple of that man. Even if it is not ......Continue Reading
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How To Protect Yourself from The Enemy Using Strategic Instructions in 2023: Understanding Ho Hearing from God Leads to Rest
Bible Commentary
Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Good day everyone and welcome to Bible in Focus. We are so excited to have you join us. Again, we will be focusing on the Word of God. And we'll be focusing on Psalm chapter 94 as he takes us through it.
Gboyega Adedeji:......Continue Reading
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How to Discern (Decode) Secret Messages of Jesus in the Bible in 21st Century: Discover the Secrets to Understanding the Words of Christ Jesus
Kingdom of Christ
Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Good day everyone and welcome to Bible in Focus. Today we'll be sharing together on: How to decipher, how to decode in the 21st century, the words of our Lord Jesus......Continue Reading
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How to Depend Solely on God:
Biblical Exposition
In this article, we’ll be examining God's words together and we'll be sharing on something I believe that is important. It's something that you and I know to be very true and important to us. And it's about depending on the Lord, I believe we will all agree that it's important to depend on God. It is important to rely on Him because the arm of flesh will fail, it will always fail: but the Lord is ......Continue Reading
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