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Growth Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 The Power of Followership

The Power of Followership: Rediscovering the Value and Dynamics of Mantles and the Anointing

Leadership Growth

The beauty of uniqueness in man shines like the radiance of a polished diamond; it is like the wind that blows beyond the coziness of the ocean breeze and transcends beyond the beautiful lilies legibly arrayed by the splendor of God’s creation. The plus or advantage a leader has on the earth is a function of the uniqueness of what he has been anointed for and what he has been anointed with. This best explains the so......Continue Reading

 How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 2

How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 2: Greatness and the Indispensability of Grace

Kingdom of Christ

When I began the first part of this article, I talked about the indispensability of grace and the word as far as greatness is concerned and how that we need to know that coming to Jesus is what forms the basis for which we must begin our journey into greatness.  And I concluded that episode by saying when you come to Jesus, ......Continue Reading

 The Education of the Word

The Education of the Word: Discover How the Word of God Can Foster Personal Growth, Spiritual Development, and Emotional Wellbeing

Biblical Exposition

There is an education that comes with knowing and understanding the ......Continue Reading

 Manifesting Christ Jesus in Our Companies and Communities as Disciples

Manifesting Christ Jesus in Our Companies and Communities as Disciples: How to Represent Jesus Correctly with Our life and Work


In this article, we want to look at something that is titled, Manifesting Christ in our Companies and Communities as disciples. Do you remember that place in the Corinthians where Apostle Paul said, evil communication corrupt good manners. I think there is a version that says, bad companies corrupt good manners.   ......Continue Reading

 How to Maximize and Sustain the Gift of Influence

How to Maximize and Sustain the Gift of Influence :

Leadership Growth

Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over [......Continue Reading

 How to Flourish in The Kingdom

How to Flourish in The Kingdom : Understanding the Dynamics of Growth

Leadership Growth

“Growth is not just a function of where you are planted, it is your disposition to where you are planted.”     In order to understand how to flourish in the kingdom, there are two key words I would like to ex......Continue Reading

 The Law of Difference for Effective Leadership

The Law of Difference for Effective Leadership: The Laws of Effective Leadership

Leadership Growth

Now in the next few episodes on Leaderview, beginning from today's episode, we are going to be considering The Laws of Effective Leadership. Now, there are many laws that govern effective leadership. An understanding of these laws and how they work would go a long ......Continue Reading

 Power of Words

Power of Words: How the Words of People in Your Life Really Hurt Your Growth and Success

Bible Commentary

Gboyega Adedeji: A lot of people today are struggling, and you ask, is it because they cannot do so much in life, or they're refusing to tap into their capacity? You know, one thing I've come to realize is that most people that struggle, struggle because somebody some time ago said certain things in their lives; somebody said, “they can't do it”. Somebody said, “If an......Continue Reading

 The Correlate of Leadership and Productivity

The Correlate of Leadership and Productivity: How Leadership Drives Productivity, Boost Organizational Growth and Team Development

Leadership Awareness

There are two powerful keywords in this title. Leadership and Productivity. These two keywords are important when it comes to growth and understanding the dynamics that propels growth within an organization. How does leadership affect productivity? How does leadership bring out the bes......Continue Reading

 Spiritual Evaluation

Spiritual Evaluation: Letter to the Little Children, Young Men and Fathers

Leadership Growth

I this piece I will be bringing an exposition to us; we will be looking at Spiritual Evaluation, that’s the core of what we will be looking at and our focus will be an exposition on the letter to the little children, young men and fathers so that it doesn’t sound cumbersome in writing, you can title it Spiritual Evaluation.   ......Continue Reading

 Healthy Biblical Exercises for a Healthy Spiritual Growth

Healthy Biblical Exercises for a Healthy Spiritual Growth: Discover What to Make with Biblical Spiritual Exercises

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

An exercise is something that is done or performed repeatedly or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific capability or skill. There are a few spiritual exercises that the Scriptures admonished us to engage in and I will be showing us a couple of them in this piece.   Exercise To Godliness [1 Timothy 4:7-9]......Continue Reading

 Growth Inhibitors in Leadership and Organizational Life

Growth Inhibitors in Leadership and Organizational Life: Discover Four Factors that Can Hinder Growth in Any Organization

Leadership Awareness

One of the sole responsibilities of leadership anywhere in the world is solving problems and bringing growth to bear in an organization. Once there is no growth or traces of growth over a period of time in any organizational setting, then it becomes necessary that the leadership of such an organization be called to answer some important queries.  ......Continue Reading

 The Two Cardinal Points in Organizational Leadership

The Two Cardinal Points in Organizational Leadership: Discover the Need for Culture and Structure in Your Organization

Leadership Strategy

I want to share with us in this article on something that has been titled: The Two Cardinal Points in Organizational Leadership. Now, there are two major points upon which effective organizational leadership rests. The first point is what is called Organizational Cu......Continue Reading

 The Power of Visionary Leadership 

The Power of Visionary Leadership : How to Rebuild and Sustain Nations by Light

Leadership Awareness

Jeremiah 1:9-10. “Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. 10 See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.”......Continue Reading

 The Relevance of Strategic Thinking in Leadership

The Relevance of Strategic Thinking in Leadership: Discover How Strategic Thinking is Relevant to Your Leadership

Leadership Strategy

Success in Leadership no doubt requires strategic thinking. Leaders at every point and level of their leadership are expected to be strategic when it comes to the execution of their leadership assignments. Strategic thinking has to do with a long-term thought process that is geared towards building a successful team and a successful organization. Many leaders are preoccupied with the present, not taking ......Continue Reading

 Rediscovering the Secrets of Prosperity  Part Two

Rediscovering the Secrets of Prosperity Part Two: How to Bloom and Become Exceedingly Fruitful

Capacity Building

Mark 4:2-3. It says; “And He taught them many things in parables (illustrations or comparisons put beside truths to explain them), and in His teaching He said to them: 3 Give attention to this! Behold, a sower went out to sow.” My emphasis is going to be on ver......Continue Reading

 Modern-day Parenting and Its Associated Dynamics

Modern-day Parenting and Its Associated Dynamics: Understanding the Need for Intentionality in Parenting

Relationship, Family & Parenting

Growing up, especially for me and the kind of background I happen to come from, was some sort of a rollercoaster. My parents were not that well-to-do and so, I saw first class, what it meant to be poor and how helpless it could be for parents when they couldn’t provide basic things for their children. We were just three, me, my younger sister, and my immediate elder sister. Many times, we went to bed not having anything ......Continue Reading

 The Secret of Fruitfulness

The Secret of Fruitfulness : Understanding What You Must do to Align with Your Season

Capacity Building

Ecclesiastes 3:2, says; “A time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted.” This Scripture brings my attention to an activity that happens within a time frame. It says; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted. These two......Continue Reading

 Sustainable Leadership Idea Phases for Effective Organizational Growth

Sustainable Leadership Idea Phases for Effective Organizational Growth: Discover 3 Important Idea Phases for Effective Growth

Leadership Growth

Organizational growth is premised on sustainable ideas. I have heard people say over and over again that ideas are the hub upon which the entire universe or world rotates. Idea they say rules the world. If we are not learning new ways and new ideas to carry out our tasks as leaders, then the organization we are leading would suffer from stunted growth. However, for this not to be the lot of our organizations, then leaders are saddled with the responsibil......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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