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Marriage Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Kingdom Experience Pt. 6

Kingdom Experience Pt. 6: The Parable of the Leaven

Kingdom of Christ

In this article we are continuing the series: The Kingdom Experience, we are on part six. We want to look at The Parable of the Leaven. And I want us to read the book of Matthew 13:33. Still on the series, the kingdom experience, helping us to realize that if our lives will change beyo......Continue Reading

 The 2 Legs that Hold Up and Sustain Effective Marriages

The 2 Legs that Hold Up and Sustain Effective Marriages: What Most Marriages Start With But Many Lose Overtime

Relationship & Marriage

In this piece we want to look at something important in the next few minutes. We want to consider The Two Legs that Hold Up and Sustain Effective Marriage. And I want us to understand the implication of the usage of the word “The.” It is a def......Continue Reading

 The 2 Indispensable Hands of Effective Marriage

The 2 Indispensable Hands of Effective Marriage: How To Avoid DIVORCE At All Cost

Relationship & Marriage

This piece is a follow up on the previous article. The inspiration came while I was having a chat with my wife and we encountered something that was an eye-opener. I believe if it was an eye-opener to myself and my wife, it can open any other eyes. The previous article before this one was titled: The Two Legs that Upholds and Sustains Effective Marriages. So, having considered the two legs that every marr......Continue Reading

 The Hierarchy of Parenting in Marriage

The Hierarchy of Parenting in Marriage: Understanding what God Requires from Us as Parents

Relationship, Family & Parenting

Parenting is a major assignment within the institution of marriage. As a matter of fact, parenting is an integral part of marriage, parenting actually takes place in marriage. The only avenue through which God has made available by which you can become a parent is in marriage. Now, that does ......Continue Reading

 Re-Discovering the Secret of Destiny Fulfillment Part 1

Re-Discovering the Secret of Destiny Fulfillment Part 1: The Secret of Consistent, Effective and Victorious Marriages

Relationship & Marriage

1 Corinthians 15:57. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” John Holmes once said; “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”......Continue Reading

 Treasure In Earthen Vessels

Treasure In Earthen Vessels: Wisdom for Singles And Married Men And Women

Relationship, Family & Parenting

In this piece, we want to very quickly at: Treasure in Earthen Vessels: Wisdom for Singles, and Married Men and Women. Let us consider the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 7, see what the Bible says, “But we have this ......Continue Reading

 Impartation for Fruitfulness for Wives and Our Land

Impartation for Fruitfulness for Wives and Our Land: How Every Man Must Rule on Earth

Relationship, Family & Parenting

In this piece, I want to briefly take us through a short journey that will produce, by the grace of God, a sense of direction in us and confidence in what God is able to do and He His capable of doing. Let us start our observation from Genesis chapter 1 verses 1-3, see what the Bible says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 ......Continue Reading

 Understanding Priesthood in Marriage

Understanding Priesthood in Marriage: Rediscovering Secrets of Fruitfulness in Marriage

Relationship, Family & Parenting

Exodus 1:9. “And the midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them.”   ......Continue Reading

  The Secrets of Marital Bliss Part 2

The Secrets of Marital Bliss Part 2: Rediscovering the Secrets of Readiness in Marriage

Relationship & Marriage

In this piece, I would love to continue with the text under consideration in the last episode. Genesis chapter 2 verse 18. “And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” This was God making an acknowledgem......Continue Reading

 Rediscovering the Secret of Readiness in Marriage  Part 1

Rediscovering the Secret of Readiness in Marriage Part 1: The Secrets of Marital Bliss

Relationship & Marriage

Genesis 2 verse 18. “And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”   What are the indices for readiness ......Continue Reading

 Times and Seasons in Marriage

Times and Seasons in Marriage:

Relationship & Marriage

The focus of this article is on marriage and we will be looking at “Times and Seasons in Marriage.” When I bring the Word of God, by His grace, I love to make it applicable as possible to different areas of our lives. Even though our focus is on marriage, this same principle of the Word of God can be applied to understan......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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