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Perfection Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 An Exposition of the First Adam and the Last Adam

An Exposition of the First Adam and the Last Adam: How to Transit from The Realm of Imperfection to Perfection

Biblical Exposition

In this piece, we'll be looking at another exposition and today we're looking at: The Exposition of the First and Last Adam. The reason why we are spending time on this is that the Holy Spirit wants to take us on a journey on how we need to transit consciously from the realm and the operation of the ......Continue Reading

 Finding Our Completeness (Perfection) in the Holy Spirit

Finding Our Completeness (Perfection) in the Holy Spirit: Understanding the Place of Intimacy and Fellowship in Our Walk with the Holy Spirit

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

I want to share with us the Word of God in this short piece and the title of our consideration is: Finding Our Completeness in The Holy Spirit. And we are going to start our observations from the book of Ezekiel chapter 36 and we will read from verse 26-2......Continue Reading

 How to Walk Towards Perfection in Discipleship

How to Walk Towards Perfection in Discipleship: Discover the Four Most Profound Convictions of a Disciple


Using Peter as a case study, there are four profound secrets or convictions I found so interesting about this Apostle in his discipleship journey and I would love to share them with you in this article. These convictions, I have discovered and realized were the driving force or the motivating factor behind his followership. If there is a possibility to start a thing and not finish, there is also a possibility for one to st......Continue Reading

 How To Maximize the Spirit-Life

How To Maximize the Spirit-Life: Understanding What the Life in the Spirit Does and How to Maximize It


In this piece, we are going to examine three things: The Spirit-life (the Biblical concept), What the Spirit-life does and How to Maximize that ......Continue Reading


The BLINDNESS Of PERFECTION: How To Avoid Falling Off A Rising Cliff of Ministry And Leadership

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

Today we are looking at: The Blindness of Perfection. I believe that God has a message to His church. I believe that God has a message to the leadership of His church and God has a message to you and I. Let us quickly go to the book of Isaiah, Isaiah 42 and we will read fr......Continue Reading

 The Curriculum of A Believer

The Curriculum of A Believer: How To Go From The Elementary Principles of God Into Perfection


Curriculum in this context is a syllabus, but it is bigger than that, a syllabus is in the curriculum. We are familiar with our educational system, when you want a child to grow up to become something, or someone, to become an expert  at a knowledge, what you do is to create a curriculum of that thing for that child. For example, in Nigeria we have the 6-3-3-4 system of educational progression, where there is a curriculum for the 6 for t......Continue Reading

 Perfect Leadership In An Imperfect World

Perfect Leadership In An Imperfect World: How To Become Relevant In The New Era on earth

Leadership Growth

Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to this week's edition of Leaderview. I believe that you have been blessed with the series that we began some weeks ago; The Leadership Trip to Genesis. I believe you have been learning some things and your leadership has been growing. I am so excited about that. Today we are going to continue in tha......Continue Reading

 Seduction of Perfection

Seduction of Perfection: How To Find Happiness Now

Self Growth

This article is an answer to some questions in the minds many people across the world; and I hope it enriches the thoughts and choices of many men and women that reads it. Seduction is married with perfection in this article to find out the possible result of their marriage - whether good or bad and to form an understanding of what we must do daily as a people pursuing God's purpose on earth. Seduction is the act of seducing someone or tempting someone......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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