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Power Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Revisiting the Fundamental Tenets of Relational Leadership

Revisiting the Fundamental Tenets of Relational Leadership: Discover the Secrets to Commanding Influence as a Leader

Leadership Strategy

Relational leadership is a leadership idea that places relationships at the core of leadership practice. It emphasizes collaboration, trust, empathy, and servant-hearted leadership. Unlike autocratic or transactional leadership styles, relational leadership fosters a culture of shared vision, empowerment, and personal development. In the Bible, leadership is often portrayed as a relational process rather than a mere position of p......Continue Reading

 The Power of Influence

The Power of Influence : Rediscovering the Fundamentals of Dominion

Leadership Growth

It is possible to lead without influencing, and it is not possible to influence without leading. Think about this. What makes it possible for you to lead by influence is you as a leader having an understanding......Continue Reading

 The Power of Followership

The Power of Followership: Rediscovering the Value and Dynamics of Mantles and the Anointing

Leadership Growth

The beauty of uniqueness in man shines like the radiance of a polished diamond; it is like the wind that blows beyond the coziness of the ocean breeze and transcends beyond the beautiful lilies legibly arrayed by the splendor of God’s creation. The plus or advantage a leader has on the earth is a function of the uniqueness of what he has been anointed for and what he has been anointed with. This best explains the so......Continue Reading

 Unleash The Power of Vision

Unleash The Power of Vision: How Vision Fuels Resilience and Overcomes Obstacles

Self Growth

Imagine a world where everyone lives without a clear sense of direction. How chaotic would that be? Today, we're here to talk about something that can turn that chaos into order, confusion into clarity, that something is vision. And no, we're not talking about the ability to see with your eyes. We're talking about vision as a mental image of what the future could be.   ......Continue Reading

 Power of Words

Power of Words: How the Words of People in Your Life Really Hurt Your Growth and Success

Bible Commentary

Gboyega Adedeji: A lot of people today are struggling, and you ask, is it because they cannot do so much in life, or they're refusing to tap into their capacity? You know, one thing I've come to realize is that most people that struggle, struggle because somebody some time ago said certain things in their lives; somebody said, “they can't do it”. Somebody said, “If an......Continue Reading

 Leveraging On the Wisdom and The Power of God

Leveraging On the Wisdom and The Power of God: How to Ride on the Wings of the Hidden Mysteries of God

Effective Living Strategy

This year, we are going to ride on the wings of the hidden mysteries and the revelation of God, and that's why we'll be looking at Leveraging on the Wisdom and Power of God. And our major text will be taken from 1 Corinthians chapter 1:18-31. &nb......Continue Reading

 The Royalty of Christ Jesus

The Royalty of Christ Jesus: Understanding the Domain, Power and Authority of Christ

Kingdom of Christ

In this article, we'll be sharing together on the Royalty of Christ; which is the topic of concentration and I want to take us to a Scripture in Revelation chapter 11:15, It says; ‘Then the seventh angel sounded, and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdoms’; So, whether you are in Nigeria, or you are actually in the United Kingdom, you are in Morocco, wher......Continue Reading

 Understanding Our SONSHIP in the Kingdom

Understanding Our SONSHIP in the Kingdom: Discover the Practical Implication of Your Sonship in the Kingdom of God

Kingdom of Christ

In this piece, I want to share with us on the subject matter of SONSHIP. One of the reasons why many of us as God’s children aren’t taking our rightful place in our dominion mandate is simply because many of us have not fully understood our SONSHIP yet. It appears that we have the potential to do so much for God, but we are doing so little because we don&rsqu......Continue Reading

 Understanding the Power of Words

Understanding the Power of Words: Rediscovering How Leaders Make or Counter Decrees

Leadership Awareness

Acts 18:9; “Now the Lord appeared to Paul in the night by the vision, “do not be afraid, but speak, and do not be silent.” Apostle Paul had been speaking until he got to this point, where the Lord needed to appear to him and i......Continue Reading

 How to Connect with The Power of God to Create Change on The Earth

How to Connect with The Power of God to Create Change on The Earth: Power Discipleship Essentials

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

In this piece, we want to study together about something that I trust that the Holy Spirit will give insight and witness to our hearts, and help us to be established in the faith. We want to consider what has been titled: How to Connect with The Power of God to Create Change on the Earth. Part of the thi......Continue Reading

 God Is Enough: Discover The 7-Dimensional Grace of God for All Believers

God Is Enough: Discover The 7-Dimensional Grace of God for All Believers:

Effective Living Strategy

The title of this article is God is Enough......Continue Reading

 The Power of Visionary Leadership 

The Power of Visionary Leadership : How to Rebuild and Sustain Nations by Light

Leadership Awareness

Jeremiah 1:9-10. “Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. 10 See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.”......Continue Reading

 Being Overshadowed and Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Being Overshadowed and Empowered by the Holy Spirit: Discover the Path to Walking and Living the Life of the Spirit


We will be looking at a very important topic in this piece and it's a discourse that is central in the heart of God, because there is something God wants to do in us and around us; that requires that we understand this fundamental truth. So, by the help of the Holy Spirit and the teaching grace that He has m......Continue Reading

 The Power of Initiative

The Power of Initiative : Discover How to Lead Spontaneously

Capacity Building

“And David said to Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail on account of this Philistine. Your servant will go and fight him!” (1 Samuel 17:32.) Initiative: What is initiative? What is responsible for initiative......Continue Reading

 Rediscovering The Purpose And Power of FOOD

Rediscovering The Purpose And Power of FOOD: Discover The Secret to Eternal Life On Earth In Christ Jesus

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

In this piece, we want to consider what has been titled: Rediscovering the Purpose and Power of Food. Before we continue on this discussion, I will like to ask you, are you hungry? Whatever your answer......Continue Reading

 The Power of the Seed

The Power of the Seed: Understanding the Two-Dimensional Seed Called Christ

Biblical Exposition

Let us to start our observation from the book of Genesis 3 and we will be reading just a verse in the chapter. Genesis 3:15. The Bible says: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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