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Joy Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Look Unto Jesus Pt. 2

Look Unto Jesus Pt. 2: How to Be Trained for Fruitfulness


In the first part of this piece, we began looking at something that we believe is important for us as disciples of Jesus. We began looking at: “Looking unto ......Continue Reading

 Looking Unto Jesus

Looking Unto Jesus: Rediscovering the Father-Son Relationship Between God and Man for A Joyful Future


Some weeks ago, we look through the Kingdom Experience, from part one to part eight and I think it was a glorious experience. For some of us, we may need to go back to the series and read them again. In this piece, we want to examine: Looking unto Jesus. This is also going to be a series, however, the ......Continue Reading

 The Mountain of His Holiness

The Mountain of His Holiness: The Place to Come to And the Person to Become in Discipleship

Leadership Awareness

In this article we will be looking at something important. I perceive that the Lord wants to bring us into reminder of how important this subject is. We are looking at The Mountain of His Holiness.  And we are going to start from Psalm 48 verse 1 and 2. “Great is the Lord......Continue Reading

 Exercising Our Authority in Christ Jesus As Believers

Exercising Our Authority in Christ Jesus As Believers: Discover Six Applicable Principles That Guarantees Spiritual Authority

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

In this piece, I want to share something with us in the next few minutes and it has been titled Exercising Our Authority in Christ Jesus Us Believers. Let's start our consideration from the book of Genesis 1:26-28 and we will also consider the book of Colossians 1:9-18. T......Continue Reading

 Fusing Spiritual Fruit into Organization Life and Leadership

Fusing Spiritual Fruit into Organization Life and Leadership: An Integrated Approach

Organizational Leadership

In today’s podcast, I want to show us something very important that has been titled: Fusing Spiritual Fruit into Organizational Life and Leadership: An Integrated Approach. We want to examine how the fruit of the Spirit can find expression in organizational life and leadership and ......Continue Reading

 Kingdom Culture Pt. 2

Kingdom Culture Pt. 2: The Necessary Expression of the Life of the Kingdom

Kingdom of Christ

In the first part of this piece (Kingdom Culture As Shown By Christ Jesus), I revealed to us how Jesus Christ was able to demonstrate the culture of the kingdom. I pointed to us from the book of Philippians where it was wr......Continue Reading

 How To Spice Your Own Marriage

How To Spice Your Own Marriage: Tips for Couples To Enjoy More Love And Submission In Marriage

Relationship & Marriage

How You Can Spice Up Your Own Marriage   Gboyega Adedeji: Welcome to the ......Continue Reading

 The LORD of Joy - The Strengthener of the Year

The LORD of Joy - The Strengthener of the Year: Examining 4 Critical Ways We Can Express Joy


Today the LORD is leading us into another exciting package; an understanding of who He is. So, this morning we are looking at: The Lord of ......Continue Reading

 The Harvest of Joy

The Harvest of Joy: Understanding How the Holy Spirit Produces Joy in Us!

Self Awareness

We started on the harvest series in the month of June, and we are continuing in that spirit as the Holy Spirit is leading us. We started by looking at harvesting the presence of God, that if you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, you will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Meaning that if you sow into the secret place, you will harvest the abiding presence of God. You wi......Continue Reading

 The Joy in Your Storm

The Joy in Your Storm: How to Handle Any Storm That Comes Your Way

Leadership Growth

“And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. 38 But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” 39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased ......Continue Reading

 Joy And Leadership

Joy And Leadership: Understanding The Link

Leadership Awareness

How to serve in 2020 is the series that we have been looking at and we started by observing Righteousness and Leadership. One of the things that excited me more while I was preparing for this is that unconsciously to me, because nothing is a mistake with God, there has been a sequence that brings about a tie. The Holy Spirit has been preparing me for this, I realized th......Continue Reading

 The Premium Package In Christ Jesus

The Premium Package In Christ Jesus: How To Discover All That God Has Called Us To Be


As believers, what is it that we have in Christ? What is that hope that we hold onto? What is that living hope that we hold onto come rain come sunshine? What is that thing that keeps us going, that to the world its foolishness but to us, it’s the life that we live? It’s the very essence of our being. And I pray the Holy Spirit will usher us into this experience this morning under his leadership in Jesus name. ......Continue Reading

 Temple Vs Heart

Temple Vs Heart: Which Enjoys The Greatest Resources In The Body of Christ - Church


Tonight, we are looking at something that is like a follow up to where we stopped last week. Last week, we saw by the help of the Holy Spirit, The Offering that Moves God. Tonight, we are looking at something very important. It is a question that is being asked. A question that concerns us as individuals, and it also concerns as a body of Christ. We are l......Continue Reading

 Five Indisputable Rights We Have In Christ Jesus (Part Two)

Five Indisputable Rights We Have In Christ Jesus (Part Two): Know Them To Enjoy Them

Self Growth

Number three, the right to eternal life. There is a general misunderstanding about the subject of eternal life, but I would try as much as possible to make it a bit more clearer in order to have a fresh understanding, and with Bible references as well. I will focus on two main things which are the gift side of eternal life and then, I will look at it from the life of God point of view. ......Continue Reading

 Five Indisputable Rights We Have In Christ Jesus (Part One)

Five Indisputable Rights We Have In Christ Jesus (Part One): Know Them To Enjoy Them

Self Growth

There are certain rights and privileges that believers enjoy through Christ Jesus. These rights are inalienable, indisputable and they are immutable as long as one's faith is reposed in the Lord Jesus. You must have heard or read about fundamental human rights in the World, isn't it? In the world settings, fundamental human rights are the legal entitlements which every citizens of nations enjoys without fear of the......Continue Reading

 The Joy of Service

The Joy of Service: How God Solves The Problem of Leadership Suicide in His Kingdom

Leadership Awareness

God created man to function in service. In fact, many marriage experts believe that "act of service" is one of the languages of love in any relationship. He who wants to have friends, must make himself friendly. ......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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