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Blessing Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Living By Your Calling

Living By Your Calling : Responding to Your God-Given Abilities

Leadership Awareness

In this piece, we want to look at something that I believe is going to be helpful to us as individuals. We......Continue Reading

 The Blessing that Makes Rich

The Blessing that Makes Rich: Understanding How to Have Abundance of All Things

Biblical Exposition

In this piece, we'll be looking at ‘The ......Continue Reading

 The Blessing of Prophecy

The Blessing of Prophecy: Understanding How to Align with the Truth of God’s Word

Biblical Exposition

In this piece, we'll be considering 'The Blessing of Prophecy'; And I would love us to begin our consideration from the book of Revelations chapter 1:3, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this ......Continue Reading

 The Blessed Disciple and His Expected Future

The Blessed Disciple and His Expected Future:

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

In this piece we want to examine, I hope briefly, if the Lord permits, THE BLESSED DISCIPLE AND HIS or HER EXPECTATIONS. We will start our observation from the book of Psalm 1:1-6. The Bible says in another place, “Surely there is a futu......Continue Reading

 Understanding the Immutability of the Promises of God in Christ Jesus

Understanding the Immutability of the Promises of God in Christ Jesus: Discover the Unchanging Nature of God

Biblical Exposition

In this piece, we are going to be considering something that I believe is very important. And it is an understanding that you and I must have, an understanding about God; an understanding about His promises, an understanding about who ......Continue Reading

 Re-Discovering the Foundational Secrets of Prosperous Nations

Re-Discovering the Foundational Secrets of Prosperous Nations : How to Build a Prosperous Nation Part Three

Leadership Awareness

We often sing these lines in our national anthem; “the labor of our heroes past, shall never be in vain”, and we sing their praises for fighting for our independence and for laying the foundation of this great nation. And I am forced to ask; the happenings in our nation today, does it show that the leaders in the past, the founding fathers who have labored in the past, have they really done a good job? Where did we get it wrong? Is the proble......Continue Reading

 The Power of the Seed

The Power of the Seed: Understanding the Two-Dimensional Seed Called Christ

Biblical Exposition

Let us to start our observation from the book of Genesis 3 and we will be reading just a verse in the chapter. Genesis 3:15. The Bible says: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”......Continue Reading

 The Power of Adoption and the Spirituality of Blessings

The Power of Adoption and the Spirituality of Blessings: How to Access the Blessings of the Kingdom

Self Growth

Today we are going to be discussing about an issue that perhaps many of us have not considered it to be so important, some of us may know it’s important but we have not considered it as a matter of priority or something that we should always pursue even as we are in the kingdom.  There are blessings that are apportioned for sons and for daughters that are in the kingdom, but there are certain ways to access these blessings. This is what we are goin......Continue Reading

 How To Connect To The Blessing of God

How To Connect To The Blessing of God: The Secret Few Christians Know In Church Today


Gboyega Adedeji: Every time believers meet and they want to start conversation, they say “God bless you.” Now, while we all use the phrase “God bless you”, the missing factor is: how do I or how can you connect with God’s blessing?......Continue Reading

 The Power of Sacrifice

The Power of Sacrifice: How Disciples Command True Blessings


In this series, we would be looking at the meanings and definitions of three basic concepts that would help to give us a background into what we would be discussing today and subsequently by the Help of the Holy Spirit. These three concepts are: Sacrifices, disciple and discipleship. In order to narrow down this discussion, my major focus would be on ......Continue Reading



Spiritual Growth & Maturity

Today we want to examine what has been titled: The Blessing of Faith, and I want us to be attentive to every word the Lord will be sharing with us so that we are not left behind. The focus of our discussion today is perhaps the difference between ......Continue Reading

 The Benefits Of Serving The Lord Pt. 2

The Benefits Of Serving The Lord Pt. 2: Understanding What Qualifies Us For The Blessing!

Self Growth

"So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. 26 No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land; I will fulfill the number of your days. 27 “I will send My fear before you, I will cause confusion among all the people to whom you come, and will make all your e......Continue Reading

 Does Your Ministry Flourish On The Blessings of The Lord God?

Does Your Ministry Flourish On The Blessings of The Lord God?:

Five-fold Ministry

Today we are looking at something very important. Last week, it was a question that was thrown at us: Can Your Ministry Be Found In Christ Jesus? I am sure since last week you have been meditating on it and you have been getting the right answer God. You understand that the question is not the one asked by me to y......Continue Reading

 The Mandate of Marriage

The Mandate of Marriage: Understanding The Blessing That Comes On The Marital Union

Relationship & Marriage

This morning, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we are going to be looking at the mandate of marriage. But we are going to start by looking at the meaning of mandate. When we hear the word mandate, what does it mean? I am sure many of us would quickly see it from the mandate form we receive from the bank. What happens when you receive a mandate form? It is for you to sign to give authority to something. So that is one of the principal ......Continue Reading

 How To Get A Pre-Term Blessing or Miracle From The LORD

How To Get A Pre-Term Blessing or Miracle From The LORD: The Word of God vs Human Report


We are all welcome this morning to today's Leadership Fellowship. We bless God for His ever abiding presence and we thank God for everyone of us. I believe none of us is here by accident, in fact, if I begin to ask everyone of us why we are here; each one of us will tell us at least one reason. So, that tells us that we are not here purposelessly and aimlessly. And so, because we are here for a purpose, God is here to actually fulfill His purpose in ......Continue Reading

 The State of Being Pt 2

The State of Being Pt 2: Walking In The Path That Will Deliver Your Blessing


Please read: The State of Being Pt 1: The Prerequisite For The Blessing Here   There would be no struggle, when you come to Mount Zion, no struggle! The blessing will materialize, but on Mount Zion. Nowhere else! The location for the blessing to materialize is Mount Zion that is where you can ......Continue Reading

 The State of Being Pt 1

The State of Being Pt 1: The Prerequisite For The Blessing


Every time God speaks to us, He is always speaking to us for a transformation, for a change from a state to another state, because God has already made a principle, which is universal in its application; that if you don't change your state, you can't change your experience. And when we talk about being, what does it mean? I am sure many of us are familiar with......Continue Reading

 Obedience Is Not Transferable Pt 1

Obedience Is Not Transferable Pt 1: Whose Blessings Do You Claim?


After David had served his generation according to the Will of God and was set to rest with his fathers, he left his son, King Solomon with this parting Goodwill Message: “And you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father. Serve God with a pure heart. Be happy to serve him, because the Lord k......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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