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Change Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Let Us Go Back from The Church to Christ

Let Us Go Back from The Church to Christ: Discover How to Experience True Transformation

Kingdom of Christ

Let's start from Genesis chapter 1 verse 26. I trust that we'll be looking at a few Scriptures in the Old Testament and a few in the New Testament. Genesis chapter 1 verse 26, the Bible says, “Then God said, let Us,” you know, the title is “Let us go back from the church to ......Continue Reading

 The Importance of Leadership in Transformational Outcomes

The Importance of Leadership in Transformational Outcomes: Discover 3 Things Every Leader Must Do

Leadership Awareness

Often times, the idea of transformation cannot take place without someone or a group of persons championing it behind the wheels. No transformation anywhere happens out of the blues. Every transformation is a product of ideas, collaboration, and most importantly, leadership. The question is: Why leadership? The truth of the matter is that no matter how beautiful the ideas may appear, no matter how effective the collaboration may be, if there is n......Continue Reading

 How to Connect with The Power of God to Create Change on The Earth

How to Connect with The Power of God to Create Change on The Earth: Power Discipleship Essentials

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

In this piece, we want to study together about something that I trust that the Holy Spirit will give insight and witness to our hearts, and help us to be established in the faith. We want to consider what has been titled: How to Connect with The Power of God to Create Change on the Earth. Part of the thi......Continue Reading

 Conscious Change-making in Leadership

Conscious Change-making in Leadership: Discover How Leaders Influence Lasting Change in Leadership

Leadership Strategy

It is a common truth that change has always been a major issue for many organizations, the same way it has always been a shared characteristic of human life as well. For many people, change is usually perceived has been hard because most often than not, it is something that pull people out of their comfort zones and which also forces them to change their habits, which of course, makes them highly uncomfortable. So, to ignite a......Continue Reading

 Connecting With The Holy Spirit For BOLD Confession

Connecting With The Holy Spirit For BOLD Confession: How To Change The Trajectory Of Your Life Experiences

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

In this piece, we want to examine what has been titled: Connecting with The Holy Spirit for Bold Confession or we can say for bold profession or for bold performance, bold actions, bold decisions, bold choices. You know, there are some things th......Continue Reading

 Paradigm Shift in Contemporary Organizational Leadership

Paradigm Shift in Contemporary Organizational Leadership: Discover Why Leaders Should Be Change Agents and Not Change Resistors

Leadership Growth

Most successful organizations have gone through a number of phases and changes in their existence. I have been privileged to see documentaries of some organizations that have existed for more than 100 years and more. What is common to these organizations is embedded in embracing change as times and occasions demand in the continued existence and operations of such organizations. Today, I want to share with us: ......Continue Reading

 Understanding The Dynamics and Process of Change

Understanding The Dynamics and Process of Change: Discover Six Ways Through Which a Life Can Experience a Lasting Change

Self Growth

I want to show us something beautiful in this piece about the ways and process through which a life can experience lasting change. Let us open our Bibles to the book of Job 14:14 and start our meditation from there. Many of us may not have read this portion of the Bible in a very long time and so, we are being privileged to be reading it in this article. The Bible says: “If a man dies, shall he live again......Continue Reading

 The System Leader in Change Management

The System Leader in Change Management: Examining Five Essential Roles A Leader Must Play in This Regard

Leadership Awareness

Last week on Leaderview, we examined The Essential Competences of System Leaders. What we will be sharing with ourselves today is a follow up on it. So, we want to look at today: The System Leader in ......Continue Reading

 Cultural Shift and its Effect on Leadership

Cultural Shift and its Effect on Leadership: How Can Leaders Across the World Lead Effectively Despite Changing Cultures

Leadership Strategy

Ever since God created the world and put man in charge of it, man has never stopped looking for ways and means to progress, especially outside of God. There was a time certain group of people decided to build a tower that would get to heaven. In Genesis 11:1-9, the Bible gave us an account of that story and this story was the genesis of the many cultures that will have across the world today. The Bible says:   ......Continue Reading


What DRIVES Your MISSION Work?: The Engine ROOM of Social Change & Social Reformation Across Generations of Nations

Work, Career & Ministry

Today on Disciplers Convocation we are considering a question, and I believe it is a question that is directed at all of us, exempting none of us, irrespective of age, gender or background. The only set of people that may exclude themselves from this word are those who consider themselves to be mentally unstable. One thing about mentally unstable people is tha......Continue Reading

 Life Treatment: CORRUPTION (Episode 23)

Life Treatment: CORRUPTION (Episode 23): Learn How To Fix Corruption In Your Own Society, Community & Life!

National Transformation

Good day, and welcome to another episode of LIFE TREATMENT, I’m Lara Gboyega Adedeji, I’m so excited to have you join me on yet another episode. And today, we will be diving into what we have to treat today, and it’s another issue that I’m so passionate about, and I believe it’s something that we all need to look into, we need to adjust w......Continue Reading

 SMELL It Before You EAT 03

SMELL It Before You EAT 03: CLEAR The CART for A NEW START In Life | For A Better Leading You

Self Growth

Welcome to A BETTER AND LEADING YOU. In the last episodes, we began looking at the right decision-making strategies, and we concluded that if you had missed the opportunity to smell your decision before you began executing them, you can definitely ......Continue Reading

 SMELL It Before You EAT 02

SMELL It Before You EAT 02: Change The Course For A Better and Desirable Future

Self Growth

Welcome to the channel. I believe you have started the week on a leading note. In this video we would be learning how to determine our future by our decisions. If you don’t want anyhow future for yourself, then this video is meant for you. So, let’s go into it. &n......Continue Reading

 Revisiting The LAW of GIVING and RECEIVING

Revisiting The LAW of GIVING and RECEIVING: How To Change Your Tomorrow (Future) With Your Today (Fortune)

Self Growth

Giving and receiving are two words flogged and perhaps over-flogged in our time. We literally receive or give daily and we are cajoled, manipulated, deceived, influenced, taught, guided or even encouraged to give daily. While there is a widespread reach in the art of giving and subsequently receiving; there is equally a widespread ignorance of the mystery of ......Continue Reading

 On Becoming A Servant Leader Pt. 8

On Becoming A Servant Leader Pt. 8: How To Lead Change And Change Societal Culture

Leadership Growth

Today we will continue our series: On Becoming A Servant Leader and we want to focus today on; How To Lead Change And C......Continue Reading

 Who Changes The Course of Nations

Who Changes The Course of Nations: God or Man?


I have been thinking lately why Nigeria has remained the way it is, despite her being one of the most religious countries in the world. We are a praying nation, and we have more churches and mosques than we have tertiary institutions in the country. Our towns and cities boasts of the finest and largest church auditoriums you would see around the world. A foreigner visiting Nigeria for the first time needs no stress in feeling the ambience of ......Continue Reading

 The Change Mantra, Easier Said Than Done

The Change Mantra, Easier Said Than Done: Discover How To Effect A True Change

Leadership Awareness

Change is a common word used by Nigerians and even within our leadership parlance, it is very easy to say but difficult to implement. I remember how we chanted for change a few years back, how we were ready to die for a leader who we assumed to be dogged and change oriented. After the landslide victory, we danced and shouted joyfully in anticipation, absolutely yearning for growth, stability, and a shift from the status quo. Since then; few years have gone down the line and yet actualizing re......Continue Reading

 How To Change the Cause of Societies As One Man or Woman Under God

How To Change the Cause of Societies As One Man or Woman Under God:

Organizational Change

To many people, children are results of marital pleasure or sexual enjoyment. Because a man and a woman meets in an intimate sexual atmosphere; therefore, children comes. As long as you can have a man and a woman together in a place for a period of time, there will be children. While all that may be correct, I believe the matter of bearing children is much more than that. I have come to realize that children comes not just because a man and a woman meets; but because God desires a CHANGE. &nb......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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