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Crisis Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Crisis-Proof Leadership

Crisis-Proof Leadership: Choose to Stay Put in Egypt or Cross the Red Sea

Leadership Growth

Leadership is often defined by choices made in moments of crisis. I think it was Dr. Munroe (of blessed memory) who said you don’t know how much of a leader you are until you are faced with a crisis. This saying simply connotes that a person's true l......Continue Reading

 Strategic Leadership in Crisis Management

Strategic Leadership in Crisis Management: What Should be the Leaders Key Performance Indicators?

Leadership Awareness

I'm going to start by explaining to us what a key performance indicator is because I believe as leaders, we are familiar with what strategic leadership is and we are also familiar with what crisis management is. So, I'm not going to be defining those terminologies to us because I believe they are terminologies that we are familiar with. But I simply want to define what a key performance indicator......Continue Reading

 What Should You Do When Your Marriage is in Crisis?

What Should You Do When Your Marriage is in Crisis?: How to Resolve Marital Crisis Based on Timely Biblical Principles

Relationship & Marriage

There are a number of erroneous marriage teachings in the world today which if care is not taken, they could bring about instability to many homes. Marriage is one of those creations of God that Satan is actually interested in destroying. But the truth of the matter is that he can only try, he cannot destroy it because the works of God cannot be destroyed. Most marriages have experienced crisis at some point or the other. You ......Continue Reading

 Crisis Without Christ

Crisis Without Christ: Understanding the Six Dimensions of Christ Jesus that Brings an End to Any Crisis

Crisis Management

In this very piece, the Holy Spirit will be sharing with us something very important and it has been titled: Crisis without Christ. The first thing I want us to do is understand what crisis mean? C......Continue Reading

 Life Treatment: OVERCOMING CRISIS (Episode 30)

Life Treatment: OVERCOMING CRISIS (Episode 30): How The Peace of God Can Stabilize You Amidst Crisis

Self Awareness

Hello friends and welcome to Life Treatment I am Lara Gboyega Adedeji. I am so excited to have you join me on another inspiring episode of Life Treatment. We have seen that life issues require treatment because definitely, as we journey through life, there are things that we are not comfortable with in our lives and we know we......Continue Reading

 The System Leader in Crisis Management

The System Leader in Crisis Management: How to Manage Unexpected Crisis in the Organization

Leadership Strategy

Last week, one of the things we said was that organizations goes through either a period of change or a period of crisis. Either of these two must take place in the lifecycle of any organization. And we extensively looked at the roles that the System Leader must play in order to walk the employees into this new change. Today, we want to examine The System Leader in ......Continue Reading

 The Spirituality of Marriage

The Spirituality of Marriage: Understanding the Essence of The Marriage Union

Relationship & Marriage

We are continuing in our series on Marriage in this month of September. It's been an awesome time. You know, this September has been from one deeper dimension to another. God has been faithful to us in revealing His truth about marriage to us, one meeting at a time. So, ......Continue Reading

 How To Resolve Conflict and Manage Crisis in Marriage as a Leader

How To Resolve Conflict and Manage Crisis in Marriage as a Leader: Consider These 3 Steps

Relationship & Marriage

Conflict resolution and managing crisis effectively is an hallmark of excellent leadership. One of the characteristics of a good leader is foresight; which in this context, talks about the ability to see crisis or danger looming and to quickly avert it as much as possible.   ......Continue Reading

 Rethinking Leadership in Troubled Times

Rethinking Leadership in Troubled Times: How Great Leaders Respond In Period of Unforeseen Crises

Strategic Leadership

The last couple of months has been a challenging one for a lot of people across the world, especially for leaders. The reason is because a number of adjustments needed to take place in the shortest period of time as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic that has crippled many activities around the world.   ......Continue Reading


The LAW of DISTRACTION: How To Remain AFLOAT In Turbulent TIMES of WORLD HEALTH Crisis (Coronavirus) Pandemic

Work, Career & Ministry

Today we are going to be looking at something that is very important and I don't want you to be distracted, I don't want you to lose your attention or your focus, I want you to be attentive as much as you can so that you don't miss any word that God has brought our way today. We are considering: The Law of Distraction and we wa......Continue Reading

 The World And Covid-19

The World And Covid-19: Understanding Satanic Agenda At Such A Time As This

Crisis Management

"Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices." 2 Corinthians 2:11   ......Continue Reading

 Spiritual Crisis Management 101

Spiritual Crisis Management 101: First Response Strategy

Crisis Management

If you fail under pressure,     your strength is too small. Proverbs 24:10 (NLT)   Don’t give up and be helpless     in times of trouble. Proverbs 24:10 (CEV)   Jesus, while speaking to His disciples said, "The......Continue Reading

 Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis: Understanding Its Root and Origin

Self Awareness

7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all that was done by Him; and he was perplexed, because it was said by some that John had risen from the dead, 8 and by some that Elijah had appeared, and by others that one of the old prophets had risen again. 9 ......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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