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Leading With a Discipling Mindset: An Exposition of Apostle Paul Admonition to Timothy
Church Leadership
“You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 3 You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 5 A......Continue Reading
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The Core Values of the Twenty-first Century Servant Leaders: Discover What Servant Leadership Entails
Leadership Strategy
One leadership conundrum many leaders in the 21st century are still struggling with is how to serve, even while leading. Most times, leaders don’t realize that ideal leadership stems from bringing oneself into the place of serving. Jesus taught His disciples one of the greatest leadership lessons when He showed them how to serve to lead. He said: but whoever desires to become great among you, let him ......Continue Reading
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Hireling Discipleship: Leadership Scenario That Does Not Help or Grow Followers
Spiritual Growth & Maturity
We want to look at something that I believe is important for us, is applicable with our lives. I am sure many of us would have seen this matter before in the bible but now we want to look at it a little bit so that we can start asking questions about ourselves and the people around us. So, we want to consider ‘Hireling ......Continue Reading
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Surrounded, Yet Following: How to Fulfill your Discipleship Destiny
Spiritual Growth & Maturity
We want to consider what has been titled “Surrounded, Yet Following”. And we will start our meditation from the book of Hebrews chapter 12, from verse 1 to verse 2, the Bible says,
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Cultivate Your Personal Garden: Strategies for Exceling in Discipleship
Spiritual Growth & Maturity
We will be looking at something that I believe will be helpful to us as disciples, and it will become a catalyst for our change. So, what are we looking at? We are looking at, “Cultivate Your Personal Garden.” And, in case you want to put a little subtitle to that, we will add “......Continue Reading
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Navigating the Pitfalls of Inauthentic Mentorship: Insights into Hireling Discipleship
Spiritual Growth & Maturity
We want to look at something that I believe is important for us, is applicable with our lives. I am sure many of us would have seen this matter before in the bible but now we want to look at it a little bit so that we can start asking questions about ourselves and the people around us. So, we want to consider ‘Hireling ......Continue Reading
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The Two Sides of the Coin of the Journey of a Disciple: How A Vessel Can Change Usage, Value And Purpose
Spiritual Growth & Maturity
In this article, we are looking at “The Two Sides of the Coin of the Disciple’s Journey”. And in case we want to replace that “journey”, we can use “of the disciple’s destiny”. At the Believer’s Fellowship, we were brought into an experience in the book of 2 Timothy, and I will love us to start from that place. 2 Timothy chapter 2, I will read from verse 20 to verse 26. Now, see......Continue Reading
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The Pharisee, The Church and The Christ:
Church Identity
In this piece, we will be looking at the “Pharisees and the Church”. The Pharisees and the church is a very interesting conversation that the Holy Spirit wants to have with us today. But I b......Continue Reading
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The Presence That Follows: Tapping Divine Help for Fulfilling Divine Assignment
In this piece, we want to look at something that I believe is going to be helpful, and we will start our meditation from the book of Exodus 33. There is something we want to learn and we will begin unraveling it from the book of Exodus chapter 33. We want to look at, “The Presence that Follows.” Exodus chapter 33, verse 12. Let see what the bible says. 12 ......Continue Reading
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Manifesting Christ Jesus in Our Companies and Communities as Disciples: How to Represent Jesus Correctly with Our life and Work
In this article, we want to look at something that is titled, Manifesting Christ in our Companies and Communities as disciples. Do you remember that place in the Corinthians where Apostle Paul said, evil communication corrupt good manners. I think there is a version that says, bad companies corrupt good manners.
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The Father’s Promise: How to Receive the Promise of God
Biblical Exposition
In this article, we will be looking at something that I believe is going to help us. I trust that we will be quick in it, and it will be refreshing to our spirit, How to Receive the Promise of the Father or How to Receive the Promise of God.
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Being Between Two Opinions in Discipleship: Understanding How to Serve God Correctly
Kingdom of Christ
In this piece, we want to look at something that I believe is going to help us. We want to look at something from the Book of the Kings. So, we will start our thinking together from the Book of 1st Kings, and we want to consider something that has been titled, Being Between Two Opinions. There is a chance, there is a possibility that somebody is here, and the person is between two opinions. And we want to ......Continue Reading
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How to Flourish in The Kingdom : Understanding the Dynamics of Growth
Leadership Growth
“Growth is not just a function of where you are planted, it is your disposition to where you are planted.”
In order to understand how to flourish in the kingdom, there are two key words I would like to ex......Continue Reading
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The Measuring Line of the End-time: Understanding the End-time, our Posture and Position as Disciples
Apostolic Revival
In this piece we'll be looking at a very sensitive topic, sensitive in the sense that it speaks of the end of time. And I believe the journey that the Holy Spirit wants to take us through, we are going to gain understanding of the end time and particularly, the posture and position that God wants us to take as believers and disciples of our Lord ......Continue Reading
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Jesus Christ: Pick Up Your Cross, Follow Me:
Kingdom of Christ
In this piece, we will be looking at a conversation in Matthew chapter 16:24 that says; Pick up Your Cross and Follow Me. This conversation was what Jesus had with His disciples in Matthew chapter 16:24. It says;......Continue Reading
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Kingdom Experience Pt. 7: The Parable of the Dragnet
Kingdom of Christ
Today we want to continue the series Kingdom Experience that we started and we've looked at quite a number of things. We started with: A Stone Rejected Cornerstone and the ......Continue Reading
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Arise and Shine:
Spiritual Growth & Maturity
God is giving us a marching order and the marching order the Lord is giving us is: Arise and shine! Arise and shine! That is a command of God.
In this article, the Holy Spirit will be leading us into three (3) critical areas which we must arise from as children of God in this ......Continue Reading
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The Purifying Fire:
Leadership Growth
In this piece, we'll be looking at a very interesting topic that I believe the Lord wants to use to usher us into a great experience in His presence. We're looking at the Purifying fire.
So, we want to look at the word ......Continue Reading
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Why Leaders Must Be Cautious in Leadership: Understanding the Need for Leaders to Act Cautiously
Leadership Growth
One of the things that leaders (every leader) must learn in the course of their leadership is the need to lead with caution. Every leader must learn how to lead with caution. Now, to lead with caution does not actually connote that the leader should be afraid. Leading with caution does not equate being afraid in leadership. In actual sense, to lead with caution is to lead with every sense of duty and carefulness in order to brin......Continue Reading
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The Demands of Productive Leadership: Discover Three Things That Can Make You Highly Productive as A Leader
Leadership Growth
I want to share something with us that I believe is important in our leadership endeavors. Now, we are looking at:......Continue Reading
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