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Fail Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 How to Avoid the Failure of Leadership and Followership

How to Avoid the Failure of Leadership and Followership: Discover the Equilibrium Points Where Both Leadership and Followership Intersects

Leadership Strategy

Many times, we talk about the failure of leadership without essentially looking at the failure of followership. As much as leaders can fail, it is also equally possible for followers to fail. The reason why everyone blames everything on leaders is simply because “everything rises and falls on leadership,” and it should never be forgotten that every great leader starts as a great follower. Now......Continue Reading

 Why Organizational Leadership Fails

Why Organizational Leadership Fails: Discover Three Important Factors

Leadership Awareness

In this piece, we want to quickly examine “Why Organizational Leadership Fails.” Leadership is central to the success or failure of any organization ......Continue Reading

 The Dangers of Adopting Wrong Leadership Pattern

The Dangers of Adopting Wrong Leadership Pattern: Discover How Success or Failure of An Organization Is Dependent Upon the Pattern of Leadership Adopted

Leadership Awareness

The pattern of leadership adopted by a leader, has a direct cause and effect relationship upon organizations and their success or failure......Continue Reading

 Why Did You FAIL In 2020?

Why Did You FAIL In 2020?: Discover 3 Life Questions That Produces Success!

Self Growth

Alright! Welcome to the channel. I am so excited to welcome you to the first episode of Better and Leading You in the year 2021. So glad to have you, I believe you have started your very well, we bless God for that. You see, it ......Continue Reading

 Nigeria and The Failure of Its Political Elites

Nigeria and The Failure of Its Political Elites: A Biblical Perspective

Politics & Governance

The tribe of Issachar was one of the elitist tribe (even though certain people may not agree because they went into extinction) in Israel. And there was nothing that made them elitist other than the fact that the Bible recorded that they understood times and seasons, and they knew what Israel (their nation, not their tribe) ought to do. 1 Chronicles 12:32 (NLT) says: &......Continue Reading

 Life Treatment: FAILURE (Episode 04)

Life Treatment: FAILURE (Episode 04): How To Turn Failure Upside-Down

Self Growth

What is the treatment for failure? When we come across failure many times, we don’t want to associate ourselves with failure. But I have come to realize that failure is a part of life. It is a season in our lives where we need to get into and snap out of very quickly.   Listen To Podcast: ......Continue Reading

 When Money Fails

When Money Fails: Why Is Naira Failing in Nigeria?

Nigerian Economy

The simplest definition of money is that it is a medium of exchange. You must have money to have anything else is the assumption. Whenever you need any good or service, you must be willing and ready to give up a commensurate portion of money to receive what you need. The question now is, what happens when money fails? The situation in Nigeria is now close to the failure of money in a society. Today, many people cannot get what they need with the money they have. Sometime ago, Nigeri......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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