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Fulfillment Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Understanding the Dynamics of Finding Fulfillment and Satisfaction in Life

Understanding the Dynamics of Finding Fulfillment and Satisfaction in Life: Kingdom Strategy for True Success and Dominion

Effective Living Strategy

What is the true meaning and essence of life? What are the indices that characterize or substantiate the quality of life? Why are people busy here and there, placing high priority on the things that have no value inherent in them and giving less priority to the things that matter the most in life? What is the most important thing everyone should chase after......Continue Reading

 Light: A Tool for Navigating Into Divine Fulfillment

Light: A Tool for Navigating Into Divine Fulfillment:

Kingdom of Christ

In this article, we are going to be looking at light as a tool for navigating into divine fulfillment. So,......Continue Reading

 The Peace of God as Tool for Navigating a New Season for Fulfillment Pt 1

The Peace of God as Tool for Navigating a New Season for Fulfillment Pt 1:

Kingdom of Christ

We're going to start a series for this month of January, and we'll be looking at “Navigating a New Season for Fulfillment,” that's what the series will be about. And we'll be looking at four important things that are required for “Navigating a new season for fulfilment.” So, we're looking at four important things that I believe that is required, that Go......Continue Reading

 The Refining Fire of the Holy Spirit

The Refining Fire of the Holy Spirit: Understanding Why God Takes Us Through the Process of Refining


In this article, we will be examining something fundamental and I want us to pay attention to what the Lord has to say to us. We’ll be observing The Refining Fire of The Holy Spirit. Why is it important? Why is the Holy Spirit bringing this issue up at such a tim......Continue Reading

 Finding Fulfillment in Leadership

Finding Fulfillment in Leadership: Discover what Every Leader Requires to be Fulfilled in their Leadership Assignment

Leadership Awareness

Many leaders across the world today are looking for fulfilment in leadership, but they are not getting it. There are some who have even sought for this fulfilment in wrong places and in wrong practices, yet, the fulfillment still eludes them. But the truth of the matter is this: Every genuine fulfillment in leadership begins from the place of burden.   ......Continue Reading

 Re-Discovering the Secret of Destiny Fulfillment Part 1

Re-Discovering the Secret of Destiny Fulfillment Part 1: The Secret of Consistent, Effective and Victorious Marriages

Relationship & Marriage

1 Corinthians 15:57. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” John Holmes once said; “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”......Continue Reading

 Partnering With God for The Fulfillment of His Will for Your Life

Partnering With God for The Fulfillment of His Will for Your Life: Discover 4 Ways to Partner with God

Effective Living Strategy

The will of God for your life is forever settled. The challenge many people have is basically how to partner with God for the realization and the fulfilment of that will. David wrote in Psalm 119:89, it says: “Forever, O LORD, your word is settled [STANDS] in heaven.” Now, the word of God is the will of God. When you know or receive the word of God [either in written form (LOGOS)......Continue Reading

 Purpose, Placement and Destiny Fulfilment

Purpose, Placement and Destiny Fulfilment: Understanding the Link Between Our Purpose, Our Placement and Our God-given Destiny

Self Awareness

PURPOSE If you critically look at man, you would discover that these three things: purpose, placement and destiny is central to each and every one. There is no man or woman that you see or come across that does not have a purpose, it does not matter whether they have discovered it yet or not. ......Continue Reading



Spiritual Growth & Maturity

Today we want to examine what has been titled: The Blessing of Faith, and I want us to be attentive to every word the Lord will be sharing with us so that we are not left behind. The focus of our discussion today is perhaps the difference between ......Continue Reading

 The Pursuit of Fulfillment In The Discipling of Nations

The Pursuit of Fulfillment In The Discipling of Nations: How To Win The Race of Ministry And Obtain Divine PRIZE!

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

Today, by the help of the Holy Spirit, we are continuing and perhaps concluding the series we began in March, looking at a couple of things under this discipleship that the Lord has called us into. And today we are looking at "The Pursuit of ......Continue Reading

 The Satisfaction of The Word

The Satisfaction of The Word: Understanding How The Word of God Can Give Fulfillment To A Life Fully


This morning under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we will be looking at The Satisfaction of The Word.  And this that the Holy Spirit wants to share with us this morning is something that He wants us to understand and walk in the reality of it. It's not enough to know, you must start walking in the reality of the knowledge. That's why the Bible says "blessed is he that does the word of God......Continue Reading

 The Guardian of Purpose

The Guardian of Purpose: Find Him To Find Your Life Target

Self Growth

Purpose is an essential ingredient in the soup of life. You miss out on purpose, you miss out on the right taste for your existence or living. Many people, organization and nations have come and gone by this same purpose. While everyone and everything living has a purpose, only a fraction knows the purpose of their existence. Yet, when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. While there are loads of people from across the world who are completely ignorant o......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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