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Is Vision More Important than Leadership? : A Scriptural Exegesis
Leadership Awareness
“Then they rose early on the next day, offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.” (exodus 32:6)
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The Structure of Spiritual Leadership: How Does It Differ From Secular Leadership
Church Leadership
This week, I found myself reflecting on why leadership is the foundation upon which success and failure hinge, and more so, why spiritual leadership should be taken seriously. This curiosity led me to explore biblical leadership: its structure, driving forces, and the factors that determined the success or failure of its key figures. As I studied, I documented my insights, which have now culminated in this piece you are about to ......Continue Reading
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Revisiting Servant Leadership in Christian Ministry: Discover Why True Spiritual Leadership Is Not Autocratic
Church Leadership
Christian ministry leadership, as ordained by Scripture, is fundamentally built on the principle of servant leadership. Any deviation from this principle leads to autocracy, a system in which one individual holds absolute power, often resulting in oppression, control, and spiritual harm. The Biblical model of leadership exemplified by Jesus Christ stands in stark contrast to autocracy, emphasizing humility, service, and love. ......Continue Reading
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The 8 Leadership Mindsets that Confer Greatness: Discover How to Command Influence in your Generation
Leadership Growth
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied unto you all. I thank my God for the grace He has made sufficient and available; and for the privilege given to me by God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to write to you another piece. Please stay blessed and inspired as you read this piece precept upon precept, lines upon lines in Jesus name. Amen.
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The God Factor in your Leadership Pt. 3: Why Leaders Must Lead with a Servant Heart
Leadership Awareness
Hello leaders. Welcome once again to the third leg of this series: The God Factor in your leadership. So far, we have examined the place of seeking divine wisdom and guidance in your leadership, and also, leading with purpose. You can have access to thes......Continue Reading
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How Nations Can be Led from Scarcity into Abundance Pt. 2: Understanding the Dynamics of Abundance
Kingdom of Christ
In this article by the help and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I will be bringing to you another perspective as regards the subject of abundance and scarcity. Having built a background on this subject in the previous piece, it then gives me an opportunity to go straight to the points to be as brief as possible although the Holy Spirit has so much to say.
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How Nations Can be Led from Scarcity into Abundance: Understanding the Roles Leaders Play in Making their Nations Prosperous
Capacity Building
This piece will serve as a prophetic compass, a counsel and creative solutions to the lingering hardship situation we face as a people, an institution, marriage, society and as a nation. It may not be like the conventional solutions proffered to solving basic economic problems, or policies formulated in the past like floating the naira; a situation where a government allow the value of their currency to be determined by supply and de......Continue Reading
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6 Pathways to Effective Leadership: Rediscovering the Strategic Tools for Excellent Leadership
Leadership Awareness
Whenever the word destiny or destination is mentioned what comes to the mind is a ‘pathway’ or “way”. There can’t be a destination without the knowledge of the way. Even if the knowledge of the direction is known, ‘the way’ ultimately determines the successful ar......Continue Reading
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Spiritual Gifts: A Dominion Tool for Strategic Leadership Part 1: Rediscovering the Purpose and Essence of Spiritual Gifts to the Church
Kingdom of Christ
Assuming four bowls or vessels are placed in front of you, one is filled with gold, the other filled with diamond, the third filled with straw or clay, and the forth filled with Jesus; which would you go for?
I believe a large percentage will make the wrong choice either due to the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh or the......Continue Reading
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How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 2: Greatness and the Indispensability of Grace
Kingdom of Christ
When I began the first part of this article, I talked about the indispensability of grace and the word as far as greatness is concerned and how that we need to know that coming to Jesus is what forms the basis for which we must begin our journey into greatness. And I concluded that episode by saying when you come to Jesus, ......Continue Reading
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How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 1: Understanding Greateness and the Indispensibility of Grace
Leadership Awareness
Psalm 12:6-7 says; “The words of the LORD are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times. You shall keep them, O LORD, You shall preserve them from this generation forever.” This gives an idea of the integrity of the word of God. They are true, they are infallible, they don’t fall to the ground, it represent the character, the nature and the essense of God. It cannot be broken or rendered ineffective. The Bible says heaven and earth ma......Continue Reading
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The Core Values of the Twenty-first Century Servant Leaders: Discover What Servant Leadership Entails
Leadership Strategy
One leadership conundrum many leaders in the 21st century are still struggling with is how to serve, even while leading. Most times, leaders don’t realize that ideal leadership stems from bringing oneself into the place of serving. Jesus taught His disciples one of the greatest leadership lessons when He showed them how to serve to lead. He said: but whoever desires to become great among you, let him ......Continue Reading
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How to Avoid the Failure of Leadership and Followership: Discover the Equilibrium Points Where Both Leadership and Followership Intersects
Leadership Strategy
Many times, we talk about the failure of leadership without essentially looking at the failure of followership. As much as leaders can fail, it is also equally possible for followers to fail. The reason why everyone blames everything on leaders is simply because “everything rises and falls on leadership,” and it should never be forgotten that every great leader starts as a great follower. Now......Continue Reading
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Understanding the Dynamics of Finding Fulfillment and Satisfaction in Life: Kingdom Strategy for True Success and Dominion
Effective Living Strategy
What is the true meaning and essence of life? What are the indices that characterize or substantiate the quality of life? Why are people busy here and there, placing high priority on the things that have no value inherent in them and giving less priority to the things that matter the most in life? What is the most important thing everyone should chase after......Continue Reading
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Hireling Discipleship: Leadership Scenario That Does Not Help or Grow Followers
Spiritual Growth & Maturity
We want to look at something that I believe is important for us, is applicable with our lives. I am sure many of us would have seen this matter before in the bible but now we want to look at it a little bit so that we can start asking questions about ourselves and the people around us. So, we want to consider ‘Hireling ......Continue Reading
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Light: A Tool for Navigating Into Divine Fulfillment:
Kingdom of Christ
In this article, we are going to be looking at light as a tool for navigating into divine fulfillment. So,......Continue Reading
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The Battle In The Heavens: Bigger Than Israel-Hamas War
Spiritual Warfare Strategies
Welcome to the channel. In this article, we'll be looking at something that is important, whether you're on the earth or you're under the earth, wherever you are, as long as you're on the earth, this article will impact your life. The truth is we live on the earth and many things that happen on the earth, sometimes as long as it doesn't take place in our own local environment, like our country or our state, our city, we feel safe.
Now, what happens in a situation......Continue Reading
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The Peace of God as Tool for Navigating a New Season for Fulfillment Pt 1:
Kingdom of Christ
We're going to start a series for this month of January, and we'll be looking at “Navigating a New Season for Fulfillment,” that's what the series will be about. And we'll be looking at four important things that are required for “Navigating a new season for fulfilment.”
So, we're looking at four important things that I believe that is required, that Go......Continue Reading
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The Two Sides of the Coin of the Journey of a Disciple: How A Vessel Can Change Usage, Value And Purpose
Spiritual Growth & Maturity
In this article, we are looking at “The Two Sides of the Coin of the Disciple’s Journey”. And in case we want to replace that “journey”, we can use “of the disciple’s destiny”. At the Believer’s Fellowship, we were brought into an experience in the book of 2 Timothy, and I will love us to start from that place. 2 Timothy chapter 2, I will read from verse 20 to verse 26. Now, see......Continue Reading
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