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man Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 The Power of Followership

The Power of Followership: Rediscovering the Value and Dynamics of Mantles and the Anointing

Leadership Growth

The beauty of uniqueness in man shines like the radiance of a polished diamond; it is like the wind that blows beyond the coziness of the ocean breeze and transcends beyond the beautiful lilies legibly arrayed by the splendor of God’s creation. The plus or advantage a leader has on the earth is a function of the uniqueness of what he has been anointed for and what he has been anointed with. This best explains the so......Continue Reading

 How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 2

How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 2: Greatness and the Indispensability of Grace

Kingdom of Christ

When I began the first part of this article, I talked about the indispensability of grace and the word as far as greatness is concerned and how that we need to know that coming to Jesus is what forms the basis for which we must begin our journey into greatness.  And I concluded that episode by saying when you come to Jesus, ......Continue Reading

 How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 1

How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 1: Understanding Greateness and the Indispensibility of Grace

Leadership Awareness

Psalm 12:6-7 says; “The words of the LORD are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times. You shall keep them, O LORD, You shall preserve them from this generation forever.” This gives an idea of the integrity of the word of God. They are true, they are infallible, they don’t fall to the ground, it represent the character, the nature and the essense of God. It cannot be broken or rendered ineffective. The Bible says heaven and earth ma......Continue Reading

 Overcoming Anxiety with Wisdom from the Bible

Overcoming Anxiety with Wisdom from the Bible: Lessons and Case Study

Self Growth

Hey there! Ever felt like anxiety's got you in a chokehold, squeezing the pep out of your step? You're not alone. But guess what? There's a treasure trove of wisdom waiting to be discovered in the Bible that can shine a light on the path out of those shadowy valleys of worry. In this article, we're diving deep into the good book to fish out some pearls of wisdom on ove......Continue Reading

 The Breath of Satan versus the Breath of Life

The Breath of Satan versus the Breath of Life: How the Decay Started

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

We want to look at something important. And the title will scare some of us that are not thinking like fighters, it may scare some of us but once we understand the purpose of the message, I'm sure in Christ Jesus, we will find strength. So, we want to look at something together that has been titled, “The Breath of Satan,” not because we love Satan, we want to......Continue Reading

 The Breath of Satan vs the Breath of Life

The Breath of Satan vs the Breath of Life: How the Decay Started

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

We want to look at something important. And the title will scare some of us that are not thinking like fighters, it may scare some of us but once we understand the purpose of the message, I'm sure in Christ Jesus, we will find strength. So, we want to look at something together that has been titled, “The Breath of ......Continue Reading

 Carrying the Image of Christ Jesus

Carrying the Image of Christ Jesus: Understanding the Relationship Between the Image of Christ and Dominion

Kingdom of Christ

In this article, I want us to meditate on what has been titled ‘Carrying the Image of Christ Jesus.’ And we will start from Genesis 1 and will look at verse 26, before we go to Genesis 4.   ......Continue Reading

 Manifesting Christ Jesus in Our Companies and Communities as Disciples

Manifesting Christ Jesus in Our Companies and Communities as Disciples: How to Represent Jesus Correctly with Our life and Work


In this article, we want to look at something that is titled, Manifesting Christ in our Companies and Communities as disciples. Do you remember that place in the Corinthians where Apostle Paul said, evil communication corrupt good manners. I think there is a version that says, bad companies corrupt good manners.   ......Continue Reading

 The Demands of Productive Leadership

The Demands of Productive Leadership: Discover Three Things That Can Make You Highly Productive as A Leader

Leadership Growth

I want to share something with us that I believe is important in our leadership endeavors. Now, we are looking at:......Continue Reading

 How to Measure Leadership Performance

How to Measure Leadership Performance: Discover the PVC Factors to Measuring Excellent Leadership Performance

Leadership Awareness

There are a number of factors that come into play when determining excellent leadership performance. But in this podcast, I'm going to be revealing to us three of those factors that I believe are germane to measuring any excellent leadership performance at any point in time. Three of those factors, we are going to be examining with ourselves today as leaders, and then we are going to see how they determine excellent leadership performance......Continue Reading

 Strategic Leadership in Crisis Management

Strategic Leadership in Crisis Management: What Should be the Leaders Key Performance Indicators?

Leadership Awareness

I'm going to start by explaining to us what a key performance indicator is because I believe as leaders, we are familiar with what strategic leadership is and we are also familiar with what crisis management is. So, I'm not going to be defining those terminologies to us because I believe they are terminologies that we are familiar with. But I simply want to define what a key performance indicator......Continue Reading

 Can a Spirit be Trapped and Abandoned Inside Human Body?

Can a Spirit be Trapped and Abandoned Inside Human Body?: Discover the Answer in This Article


In this article, we will be finding an answer to that important question: Can a Spirit be Trapped and abandoned Inside Human Body? While we could go to Google to find an answer to this question, I have chosen to go to the Word of God to find an answer to what is confusing......Continue Reading

 How Women and Men Can Reduce Stress While Dressing Up

How Women and Men Can Reduce Stress While Dressing Up: Manage Your Personal Focus and Priorities Daily

Stress Management

Gboyega Adedeji: Just thinking about it. For a woman, what is the most desirable? Does a woman think from the context of impressing a man or impressing God? Do you think an average woman wants to start her day telling herself: “The way I want to look today; I want to look good to God or the way I want to look today, I want to look good to impress my ......Continue Reading

 Spirit, Soul & Body

Spirit, Soul & Body: Which of THESE Is the REAL MAN?

Biblical Exposition

I'll try in this article to answer a very crucial question bothering the hearts of most people across the world today about what in man is the real man. Why it is often said today that man is a spirit that has a soul and dwells in a body. Many people are still not sure about what constitutes the real man. In this article, I'll be digging deep into the Scriptures to find an acceptable answer to th......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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