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Mission Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 What Should You Do When Your Marriage is in Crisis?

What Should You Do When Your Marriage is in Crisis?: How to Resolve Marital Crisis Based on Timely Biblical Principles

Relationship & Marriage

There are a number of erroneous marriage teachings in the world today which if care is not taken, they could bring about instability to many homes. Marriage is one of those creations of God that Satan is actually interested in destroying. But the truth of the matter is that he can only try, he cannot destroy it because the works of God cannot be destroyed. Most marriages have experienced crisis at some point or the other. You ......Continue Reading

 Submitting to the Will of God Pt. 3

Submitting to the Will of God Pt. 3: Submission to His Promises

Biblical Exposition

Hi everyone, it is Lara Gboyega Adedeji here again. We started a three-part series two weeks back, observing by the leadership and the teaching of the Holy Spirit on submitting to the will of God. So, the Lord has been taking us on a journey of understanding that He did not create us for ourselves, He created us for a purpose, He did not create us for fun but for function. He did not create us to pass time but to fulfil His will on the earth. And we unde......Continue Reading

 Submission to God, His Principles and Process

Submission to God, His Principles and Process: Discover Ten Principles that Guides the Process of God

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

We started last week on a three-part series; submitting to the will of God, and we looked at submitting to His purpose and His plan. And last week we were made to understand by the help of the Holy Spirit, that in submitting to the plan and purpose of ......Continue Reading

 Kingdom Culture as Shown by Christ Jesus

Kingdom Culture as Shown by Christ Jesus: How to Demonstrate the Culture of The Kingdom Through Love

Kingdom of Christ

In this article, I want to show us the need to step out of religious and legalistic attitude into embracing the kingdom of Christ. Christ Jesus did not come for a religion, He didn’t come to start one, He didn’t come to propagate one. His life was completely about the kingdom. In Matthew 4, after He was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit and His triumph over the devil in that temptation, the Bible says He w......Continue Reading

 How To Spice Your Own Marriage

How To Spice Your Own Marriage: Tips for Couples To Enjoy More Love And Submission In Marriage

Relationship & Marriage

How You Can Spice Up Your Own Marriage   Gboyega Adedeji: Welcome to the ......Continue Reading

 The Spirit of The Missionary

The Spirit of The Missionary: Examining the Ideal Picture of Who an Envoy of Christ Is

Missions & Evangelism

Today we would be concluding in this mission month with this Evening Bible School; The spirit of the Missionary. We are looking at the spirit of the missionary. It is often said that every person carries a unique spirit. When we talk about the spirit of ......Continue Reading

 5 Things You Need to Move Your Organization or Nation Forward as a Missionary Leader

5 Things You Need to Move Your Organization or Nation Forward as a Missionary Leader:

Leadership Growth

On today’s episode of Leaderview, I want to share with you Five Things You Need to Move Your Nation or Organization Forward as a Missionary Leader! I believe that as a leader that you are, one of the things that is paramount in your he......Continue Reading

 Uniting The CHURCH In A Common FAITH For A Common CAUSE (Commission)

Uniting The CHURCH In A Common FAITH For A Common CAUSE (Commission): Building The Church Of The Future


Today we are looking at something that I believe is of great benefit to us corporately and then individually. So, we should not receive this word selfishly, let us receive it as nation builders, as mothers of nations and as generational leaders. So, we are looking at “Uniting the ......Continue Reading

 The ‘Character’ of Your Mission and The Reward System of God

The ‘Character’ of Your Mission and The Reward System of God: How to Position Yourself Correctly as a Missionary

Missions & Evangelism

What exactly do we mean by the ‘Character’ of your mission? The character of your mission simply put, talks about the man or the woman that you must be while you are on a mission for God. It talks about the posture you must assume; your disposition to the mission and everything that has to do with it.   ......Continue Reading

 The Intricacies of Your Mission

The Intricacies of Your Mission: Understanding Your Deep Work And Sacrifices as a Missionary

Missions & Evangelism

I want to share with us in this piece something that has been titled The Intricacies of Your Mission. We should not forget that we are still in the month of October, and the month of October is our mission month at the Centre for New Dimension Leadership. Under ......Continue Reading

 The Scope of Your Mission as a Spiritual Leader

The Scope of Your Mission as a Spiritual Leader: Understanding Why You Must Never Deviate From The Course

Leadership Awareness

Today on Leaderview, our beam of light will be projected towards spiritual leaders, but this does not mean that leaders in other spheres of life cannot benefit from the same word. They can actually benefit as well. So, irrespective of your sphere of leadership influence, I want you to please pay attention to this podcast.   One of the many things that is so......Continue Reading

 The Heart of a Missionary Pt. 2

The Heart of a Missionary Pt. 2: Examining the Apostle Paul as Case Study

Missions & Evangelism

It is pertinent that every son and daughter understands that our mission assignment is so important is so in the heart of God and it must be the burning desire of every son of the kingdom. Because, this is what we are here for. We are not here to have fun; we are not here to joke or play, we are here for the kingdom to come and for His will to be done. Yesterday in the evening Bible Sch......Continue Reading


What DRIVES Your MISSION Work?: The Engine ROOM of Social Change & Social Reformation Across Generations of Nations

Work, Career & Ministry

Today on Disciplers Convocation we are considering a question, and I believe it is a question that is directed at all of us, exempting none of us, irrespective of age, gender or background. The only set of people that may exclude themselves from this word are those who consider themselves to be mentally unstable. One thing about mentally unstable people is tha......Continue Reading

 The Heart of the Missionary

The Heart of the Missionary: Examining Prophet Jonah as Case Study

Missions & Evangelism

This evening we will be looking at The Heart of The Missionary. It is often said that the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart. So, the heart is so crucial, it is so important. And today we will be looking at a case st......Continue Reading

 The PRODIGAL Missionary

The PRODIGAL Missionary: How Not To Do The WORK OF MINISTRY

Work, Career & Ministry

In this edition of Forms & Patterns™, we will be looking at something I believe is of great interest to God and must be of great interest to us. We are considering “The Prodigal ......Continue Reading


The NEED For MISSIONARIES In The RESTORATION Of The Church of Christ: How God Solves Societal Problems

Work, Career & Ministry

Today we are considering something very important and I want us to be focused on God who is able to meet us at the point of our needs. Most of the things that we discuss here at the Disciplers Convocation, they are not the things that babies require. They are the things that adults require and so, in case you are thinking t......Continue Reading

 The Missionary Leader

The Missionary Leader: 3 Things to Look Out for in a Leader on a Mission

Leadership Awareness

I want us to begin by understanding the etymology of the word “missionary.” This understanding I believe would better give a proper perspective into what we want to discuss with ourselves today. Because most of the times, we have limited our understanding of who a missionary is to be a man or a woman in one remote village somewhere in the world propa......Continue Reading

 The Purpose-Driven Mission

The Purpose-Driven Mission: Understanding Your Life Assignment and Purpose on the Earth

Missions & Evangelism

In this piece, I want to share with us something that has been titled: The Purpose-driven Mission and I want us to open our Bibles to the book of Luke 4:16-20. This is going to be our anchor Scriptur......Continue Reading

 The Perfect Marriage Pt. 2

The Perfect Marriage Pt. 2: Examining Christ And the Church as Our New Testament Marriage Model

Relationship & Marriage

Let us look at the concluding part of what we began in the first part of this series: The Perfect Marriage. Our focus in this second part is titled: Examining Christ And the Church as Our N......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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