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nigeria Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Following Jesus in Nigeria

Following Jesus in Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities

Leadership Awareness

In this piece, we want to look at something that I believe is going to also provoke us to pray and to guide us as a people, as a nation to what God would have us do as such a time as this. We want to look at Following Jesus in Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities. It looks like a research work, does i......Continue Reading

 Why Are Many African Nations Not Led by Their Best Minds, Hands & Hearts?

Why Are Many African Nations Not Led by Their Best Minds, Hands & Hearts?: Discover Why

Leadership Awareness

Abiola Obayomi: Good day everyone. Welcome to Leaderview, my name is Abiola Obayomi. On today's podcast, we are going to be having an interactive session, it is not going to be the way......Continue Reading

 Nigeria and The Failure of Its Political Elites

Nigeria and The Failure of Its Political Elites: A Biblical Perspective

Politics & Governance

The tribe of Issachar was one of the elitist tribe (even though certain people may not agree because they went into extinction) in Israel. And there was nothing that made them elitist other than the fact that the Bible recorded that they understood times and seasons, and they knew what Israel (their nation, not their tribe) ought to do. 1 Chronicles 12:32 (NLT) says: &......Continue Reading

 3 Reasons Why Great Nations Are Ruled by Their Worst

3 Reasons Why Great Nations Are Ruled by Their Worst: A Case Study Of Nigeria

Politics & Governance

It is no longer news that many great Nations today, are being led or ruled by their worst. There are supposedly great Nations, and there are ......Continue Reading

 Righteous Leadership Among Unrighteous People

Righteous Leadership Among Unrighteous People: Solving The Puzzle!

Leadership Awareness

It is almost impossible to see Righteous Leadership  anywhere in the world. The phrase "Righteous Leadership " only sounds beautiful in the ears, but almost unattainable. As we all may have come to realize already, that the vacuum in any society today is usually linked to bad leadership. Whether in Africa or in North America, Europe or in Asia; society vacuums are created by leadership vacuums. When leaders fail in their duties to do the right ......Continue Reading

 Acclimatizing With The Culture of Your Calling

Acclimatizing With The Culture of Your Calling: Are You Aware Of Any Manner of Living Your Ministry Demands?

Five-fold Ministry

Today we are looking at something that is interesting and I want you to be attentive, and I also trust that God would give us some speed. We are considering Acclimatizing With The Culture of Your Calling. The title sounds somehow, but I want you to rather be inspired by the title, hoping strongly that there is going to be a word for you. While meditating on the title, I decided to look up the keywords of the title from the dictionary, and the......Continue Reading

 Understanding The Foundation of The Christian Faith

Understanding The Foundation of The Christian Faith:


And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory. 1 Timothy 3:16......Continue Reading

 No To Offence

No To Offence: The Number One Creed For A Young Minister

Work, Career & Ministry

"And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all....." 2 Timothy 2:24a   ......Continue Reading

 3 Steps To Releasing Your Faith For The New Year

3 Steps To Releasing Your Faith For The New Year:

Self Growth

"For we walk by faith, not by sight [living our lives in a manner consistent with our confident belief in God’s promises]" 2 Corinthians 5:7 (AMP) ......Continue Reading

 Overcoming The Inertia To Spiritual Growth

Overcoming The Inertia To Spiritual Growth:


One of the serious question you should ask yourself as this year is coming to a end is: How much have I grown spiritually this year. If God look down from heaven to ex-ray your life, would He be happy at your current state or would He be disappointed that you have remained the same?   It is abnormal for believers to......Continue Reading

 Leadership Challenges

Leadership Challenges: 3 Biblical Steps To Overcoming

Leadership Growth

Leadership has its own challenges. There is no leader who can boldly say he or she isn't having one issue or the other in his or her leadership assignment. Couple with the fact that you as a leader have been called to solve problems or given a specific task to accomplish within a timeframe, there are problems you would also encounter while doing this.   ......Continue Reading

 The Parable of The Sower

The Parable of The Sower: The Practical Implication To Us

Self Growth

The truth today is that many of us read the parables of Jesus in the gospels without really taking time to absorb their practical implications into our lives. Jesus really was not telling those parables for the sake of telling sake, there are abundant truths and deeper revelations to them than meet the eyes. There was a time His disciples asked Him, in Matthew 13:10: “Why do You speak to them in parables?” The......Continue Reading


INSTRUCTIONS: The Bedrock of Living

Self Awareness

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. 9 Do not be like the horse or like the mule, Which have no understanding, Which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, Else they will not come near you. Psalms 32:8-9 ......Continue Reading


Consciousness: What Realm Are You Active In?


The students of psychology have come to discover that there are different levels of consciousness. When we talk about consciousness, let me just give us some synonyms that will help us to understand what consciousness mean. Because many of us have heard of consciousness and have experienced that state, but we might not understand in fullness what it means. When you are conscious, you are sensitive to something. So, it talks about sensitivity,......Continue Reading

 Jesus Dependency Model

Jesus Dependency Model: "I Can Do Nothing of My Own" - No LASTING SUCCESS Without God!


It's amazing what people can do without GOD. Most of us want to be spiritual giants, unaware that true spiritual greatness is  synonymous with dependency. Jesus said, "I can do nothing, I will initiate nothing. I will be led-about as GOD see's fit". (Paraphrased)   Accepting Jesus is a declaration of absolute dependenc......Continue Reading

 From A Seed To A Tree

From A Seed To A Tree: Discover How To Save The Harvest

Leadership Awareness

It is an anomaly for a paw-paw tree to bear a mango fruit, nor for a rice seed to grow into a kola nut tree. The correct order is that each parent bears its kind and a good tree bears a good fruit.  But there is something under the sun that never ceases to amaze me, it is when a good and effective leader raises a rigid and dogmatic follower. And I begin to ask myself certain questions, could it be the fault of the seed (the leader), or t......Continue Reading


CHOICES: How Our Decisions Make Or Mar Us

Self Growth

Let me begin by reading out this quote to us from the last edition of Leaderview by Brother Gboyega Adedeji. The quote says "the best way you as a person can predict the man or the woman you would become is by making certain choices today that will determine an expected or a desirable outcome in the future."   ......Continue Reading


Foundation: A Crucial Platform For Greatness

Self Awareness

 “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” ? Henry David Thoreau, Walden.   ......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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