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Prayers Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Rediscovering the Principles that Govern Heartfelt Prayers

Rediscovering the Principles that Govern Heartfelt Prayers: Understanding How to Pray and Getting Answers from God


In this piece, I want to share with us on something that has been titled: Rediscovering the Principles that Govern Heartfelt Prayers. Prayer is the only means through which we communicate with the father. Prayer is not a frivolous or mindless activity. It is rather ......Continue Reading

 Providing Solutions Through Prayers

Providing Solutions Through Prayers: Bringing The Mandate of God To Bear on The Earth Ravaged By Coronavirus

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

It’s such a wonderful time to be alive because the truth is this, no matter what is going on all around us, we have this confidence that God is for us and not against us. No matter what is going on in the world, we know that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. No matter what is going on around us, God said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. ......Continue Reading

 Discipling Nations Through Prayers

Discipling Nations Through Prayers: Discovering 'The How' And 'The Why'

Apostolic Revival

In the evening Bible School, we were made to understand the ultimate plan of God for the nations, very instructive word that the Lord sent to us yesterday, letting us know that God is mindful of nations. In fact, God’s grand agenda is an agenda for nations. When God starts with individuals and people, His goal and his projection is not just looking at a few people, is ......Continue Reading

 Kingdom Focused Prayers

Kingdom Focused Prayers: How Sons Upturn Darkness And Install Light!


To this end the Holy Spirit will be teaching us how as sons of God, we can upturn darkness and install light. So, we are going to start by looking at Luke chapter 11, we will start our observation from there, which will be our text and we will read a lot of verses but I will start from verse 1 to 13, then we will read other patches of that chapter later, other verses in it. Please follow me.  ......Continue Reading


Prayer: The Secret To Framing Your World


I remember on Monday at the Disciplers' Convocation when Brother Obayomi was bringing the word to us, and made us understand that there are certain perspectives that shape our realities and experiences. He made us to understand that we cannot but confess what we want to see for our realities to change, and the Holy Spirit would be taking us further and taking us to pray about certain things that He wants us to experience a shift about.......Continue Reading

 What God Does When He Answers Prayers

What God Does When He Answers Prayers: How To Experience Real Peace


"The earth quakes before them, the heavens tremble; the sun and moon grow dark, and the stars diminish their brightness. The LORD gives voice before His army, for His camp is very great; for strong is the One who executes His word." Joel 2:10-11 If you desire more insight about effective prayer, I wil......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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