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Pride Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 The Instrumentality of Prayer, Faith, and the Word in Spiritual Warfare

The Instrumentality of Prayer, Faith, and the Word in Spiritual Warfare: Uncovering Spiritual Warfare Strategies

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

“Now I, Paul, myself am pleading with you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ—who in presence am lowly among you, but being absent am bold toward you. 2 But I beg you that when I am present, I may not be bold with that confidence by which I intend to be bold against some, who......Continue Reading

 The 3 Pride Zones to Avoid at all Cost in Leadership As a Leader

The 3 Pride Zones to Avoid at all Cost in Leadership As a Leader: Discover What They Are

Leadership Awareness

Pride is subtle! Pride is dangerous! If there is anything that leaders need to watch out for, it is pride. If there is any dangerous position you don’t aspire to be in as a leader, it is that pride position. ......Continue Reading

 The Spirit of Elevation

The Spirit of Elevation: Examining How The Anointing Makes Room For You


We started a series in this month of May which is the Elevation Series and we said that at the beginning of the series that there are four critical steps, that the Holy Spirit will be taking us through in the series, and we looked at the first one on the first ......Continue Reading

 The Dangers of Pride

The Dangers of Pride: Examining The Enemies of Elevations and Lifting

Self Awareness

In the month of May we have been looking at the Elevation Series, and we started by looking at understanding who we are as believers: The Status Of Every Believer, making us to understand who we are, coming to terms with who God has made us to be, not o......Continue Reading

 Spiritual Sensitivity

Spiritual Sensitivity: Discover What Hinders It


Much more than having your physical senses developed and intact as humans, there is such a thing as being sensitive spiritually. Spiritual sensitivity has to do with being awoken to the things of the Spirit. Man, as we know is first and foremost a spirit-being. That then tells us that being sensitive spiritually is not out of place for man. Even the Scriptures says in Romans 8:6 that "......Continue Reading

 Marital Tip For Women

Marital Tip For Women: Discover Why Certain Men Don't Listen To Their Wives

Relationship & Marriage

I have been married for quite a while now, and I find it so amazing that women appreciates a man/husband that listens. Buy a woman the best gifts, she will appreciate you, take her on a date to see a movie, she will appreciate it as well. But if you do all these as a man and you are lacking in the area of listening to your wife whenever the need arises, every other thing is meaningless. As a man that wants a peaceful and loving home, you must......Continue Reading

 The Pride of Governance in Nigeria

The Pride of Governance in Nigeria: When Purpose is Unknown, Abuse Is Inevitable

Politics & Governance

Governance is simply the action or manner of governing a state, organization, etc. To govern basically mean to rule or control. In the face of the reality of governance, which is anything done with the intent of exercising rule or control over or among a people; we must examine our corporate experience in Nigeria and compare it with the ideal. In my own opinion; governance is premised on the foundation of order, access and provision. The people, organization or......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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