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rest Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Finding Rest

Finding Rest: Unlocking the Mysteries around Sabbath, Holidays and Work

Leadership Awareness

In this article, we'll be looking at a very important topic and one that all of us are in need of. We're looking at ‘finding Rest’ and the Lord is going to be opening our eyes to the true meaning of ......Continue Reading

 How To Protect Yourself from The Enemy Using Strategic Instructions in 2023

How To Protect Yourself from The Enemy Using Strategic Instructions in 2023: Understanding Ho Hearing from God Leads to Rest

Bible Commentary

Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Good day everyone and welcome to Bible in Focus. We are so excited to have you join us. Again, we will be focusing on the Word of God. And we'll be focusing on Psalm chapter 94 as he takes us through it.   Gboyega Adedeji:......Continue Reading

 How To Reignite Your Leadership Pursuit Through Rest

How To Reignite Your Leadership Pursuit Through Rest: Discover a Pattern from God and Christ Jesus

Leadership Awareness

Obayomi Abiola: Good day everyone. Welcome to this week's edition of Leaderview. On today’s podcast, I have an important personality, he is a life coach, he is a leadership consultant, he is a thought leader; and we're going to be doing justice to what we are going to be sharing with ourselves today. As a leader, I believe there is so much he  is going to b......Continue Reading

 How to Transform the Character of the Soul

How to Transform the Character of the Soul: Discover Six Potent Scriptural Practices That Can Help


The character of the soul is ultimately what determines the character a person exhibits or assumes in life. A man cannot truly change what he or she exhibits on the outside, unless, he or she changes what goes on in the inside – in the soul of that person. Those who try to change on the outside without first and foremost changing what ......Continue Reading

 Resetting (Repairing) Your Marriage

Resetting (Repairing) Your Marriage: Discover The TOOLS & SECRETS for FIXing Your Old Marital Relationship

Relationship & Marriage

In this piece, we are considering something important, and it looks like the Holy Spirit is dealing with issues across the body of Christ and He does not want us to be left behind. When we hear the issue, we are going to understand why I said that. We want to consider, very briefly, by the help of the Holy Spirit: Resetting (Repairing/Rebuilding) Your ......Continue Reading

 Submitting to the Will of God Pt. 1

Submitting to the Will of God Pt. 1: Rediscovering the Plan and Purpose of God

Biblical Exposition

Hi readers. Beginning from this piece, I will be kick-starting on a three-part series titled: Submitting to The Will of God. It is going to be a three-part series and I will just walk us through what the Lord will be leading us through in this series. There are five areas of submission that is essential to everyone that wants to come in tandem with the will of God. If the will of God is what you desire, if......Continue Reading

 The Heart That Serves the Will of God

The Heart That Serves the Will of God: Discover Why God is So Keen About the Substance of the Heart

Biblical Exposition

Hi everyone. It’s Lara Gboyega Adedeji once again. In this piece, I want to share with us on something that I believe is important for you and I to consider. It has been titled: The Heart That Serves the Will of God. We are going to be reading a lot of so that words that we are reading, examining, an......Continue Reading

 How to Overcome Stress and the Pressures of Life

How to Overcome Stress and the Pressures of Life: Four Things That Can Guarantee Rest in the Kingdom.

Crisis Management

  Life is characterized with challenges and so many ups and downs, it is filled with despair, disappointments, shame, and delay; The declining state of your nation, your family, your standard of living, the bad leadership, the kidnappings and killings, the economic downturn, and a lot of other things are enough to upset and discomfort an individual or a group of people. In the midst of all these, some people may be......Continue Reading

 The Spirit of Restoration

The Spirit of Restoration: Understanding the Patterns of Upliftment in the Kingdom

Leadership Growth

One of the yardsticks that can be used to measure great leadership or how successful a leader is; is in the ability or capacity of such a leader to either lead a change or restore normalcy to an existing condition or a prevalent circumstance. Whenever there is a deviation from the normal or the perceived way that seems to be right, there is a need for the introduction of an experience called restoration, and which must necessarily be routed through a pro......Continue Reading

 Sustained Victory

Sustained Victory: The Lifestyle of the Spirit

Biblical Exposition

Last week the Lord declared that this month is a month of victory for us, and He led us to see the nature of our victory in Romans 8:37, where we were made to see that we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. And today we will be looking at the nature of our victory. That’s why we are looking at Sustained ......Continue Reading


The NEED For MISSIONARIES In The RESTORATION Of The Church of Christ: How God Solves Societal Problems

Work, Career & Ministry

Today we are considering something very important and I want us to be focused on God who is able to meet us at the point of our needs. Most of the things that we discuss here at the Disciplers Convocation, they are not the things that babies require. They are the things that adults require and so, in case you are thinking t......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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