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Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 The Church, The March, and The Victory

The Church, The March, and The Victory:

Church Identity

The focus of this article by the help of the Holy Spirit is on ‘the Church, the March, and the Victory’. The Holy Spirit is bringing this our way because, number one; He wants to challenge us to step up and understand who we are on the earth; number two, He wants us to understand why we are h......Continue Reading

 Life Treatment (Episode 32): Handling Defeat In Life

Life Treatment (Episode 32): Handling Defeat In Life: Discover Victory as the Antidote for Defeat

Self Growth

Hello, great to have you join me again on Life Treatment on this episode, I am so excited to have you around. I believe that you have been getting blessed and gleaning wisdom on the previous episodes of life treatment. I am Lara Gboyega Adedeji. And today we will be looking at another life issue and this is so critical, this i......Continue Reading

 The Keys of the Kingdom

The Keys of the Kingdom: An Introduction

Kingdom of Christ

This morning we are going to dive quickly into the word of God and what the Lord has to say to us this season. We would be starting a series on: The Keys of the Kingdom. But what we would be doing this morning is an introduction into the heart of this matter. ......Continue Reading

 3 Important Things to Note as you Start Your New Year with a Fast

3 Important Things to Note as you Start Your New Year with a Fast : Understanding the Importance of The Spirit-commanded Fast

Self Growth

Welcome to a new year I am so excited that you made it, my name is Lara Gboyega Adedeji and today I will be sharing quickly with you Three Important Things to Note as You Start Your Year with A Fast. The disclaimer I will like to put forward is that; it is ......Continue Reading

 The Place of Understanding In Sustaining Our Common Victory Through Christ Jesus

The Place of Understanding In Sustaining Our Common Victory Through Christ Jesus: Christ is COMMON to Us, But We Are Not COMMON in Our Understanding

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

In the book of Romans 8:37, the Bible says: “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” We, meaning not all of us. Not every inhabitant of the earth are more than conquerors. This does not involve every human on......Continue Reading

 The Foundation of our Victory

The Foundation of our Victory: Understanding how to Begin the Walk into the Glory Prepared for Us

Self Awareness

In Romans 3:23, the Bible says; “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” and because all men have fallen short of the glory of God as the consequence for their action, they deserved to die. How did I know that? Romans 6:23 says; “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ......Continue Reading

 Understanding Dominion in Victory

Understanding Dominion in Victory: Examining How Our Divine Nature, Identity and Positioning Keeps Us in Perpetual Dominion

Self Awareness

This morning, we will be examining: Understanding Dominion in Victory. The Holy Spirit will be teaching and leading us into particular dimensions of our victory, making us understand that He has given us something that speaks perpetually for our victory. Because I realize th......Continue Reading

 Leveraging on Our Victory in Christ for a Healthy Spiritual Growth

Leveraging on Our Victory in Christ for a Healthy Spiritual Growth: Understanding The Four Key Areas

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

One of the things that the victory of Christ afforded us is that it gave us the platform to grow spiritually. Growing spiritually would have been almost impossible if Christ did not win the victory of salvation for us. So, in the kingdom of God, spiritual growth begins with being saved. Please turn your Bibles with me to Colossians 2:6-10. The Bible says: ......Continue Reading

 Towards Becoming a Victorious Disciple

Towards Becoming a Victorious Disciple: Examining What Jesus Said in This Regard

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

“Then He said to them all (the people and His disciples: Mark 8:34), ......Continue Reading

 The God of Victory

The God of Victory: How to Obtain Victory by the Three-fold Expressions of God

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

This morning under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we would be looking at The God of Victory. I am sure somebody will say “I know God is a God of victory” but do you understand it? Because it is not enough to know......Continue Reading

 The Principles of Living in Perpetual Victory Pt. 2

The Principles of Living in Perpetual Victory Pt. 2: How to Manage Opposition in Victory

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

Last week, the Holy Spirit led us into examining certain principles that would guarantee our living in perpetual victory. We examined Six Principles which are: THE PRINCIPLE OF PRAISE (2Chronicles 20), THE PRINCIPLE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT (Philemon 1:6), THE PRINCIPLE OF SURRENDER (2 Corinthians 12:7-10), ......Continue Reading

 5 Things That Guarantee Victory for Great Leaders in The Field

5 Things That Guarantee Victory for Great Leaders in The Field: Examining Leadership Insights for Success

Leadership Strategy

Let me start by explaining what the field of a leader is to us. The field of a leader talks about his or her respective sphere of operation or leadership. For example, if you are a chief executive officer of a bank, then it means the banking sector is your field. If you are a Christian spiritual leader, then it means the body of Christ is your own field. If you are the president of your......Continue Reading

 The Victor Vs The Victim Mentality

The Victor Vs The Victim Mentality: Understanding The Distinguishing Characteristics of a Victor and a Victim

Self Awareness

Today by the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we will be looking at the Victor versus the Victim Mentality. And we will be looking at this in all areas as it pertains to different areas of our lives. While this message is going on, I want us to just follow the Holy Spirit as He is l......Continue Reading

 The Principles of Living in Perpetual Victory

The Principles of Living in Perpetual Victory: Examining Six Principles That Guarantees Our Victory in Christ

Biblical Exposition

Everything in the kingdom of God is based on principles. God is a merciful God and He is also a God of principles. In most cases when God seem to bend His rules or change His mind concerning certain situations, He simply does that on the basis of HIS MERCY. But God wouldn’t bend His principles for you for an unjust cause. One of the principles of God is docu......Continue Reading

 Sustained Victory

Sustained Victory: The Lifestyle of the Spirit

Biblical Exposition

Last week the Lord declared that this month is a month of victory for us, and He led us to see the nature of our victory in Romans 8:37, where we were made to see that we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. And today we will be looking at the nature of our victory. That’s why we are looking at Sustained ......Continue Reading

 The Spirit Of Victory

The Spirit Of Victory: Engaging The Force of Faith For Advancing And Overcoming!

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

Our reading text for the Victory Series has been 1st John chapter 5 verse 4, and we were made to understand from that verse that whosoever is born of God overcomes, and who is he that is born of God, he that believes t......Continue Reading

 The Victory of Our Faith

The Victory of Our Faith: Understanding Our Triumph In Christ Jesus


We will continue in our victory series we started this month, and has been proclaimed by the Spirit of God that this month is a month of victory for us and we started in the first week of this month by looking at how we are established as God’s own, The Establishment of ......Continue Reading

 The Pillars Of Our Victory

The Pillars Of Our Victory: Examining Six Critical Things We Need To Arm Ourselves With

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

Today we will be continuing on our victory and we will be examining: The Pillars of Our Victory. The reason why we are looking at the pillars of our victory is for us to understand that since we have been established as God’s own, what are the ......Continue Reading

 How God Establishes His People On Earth

How God Establishes His People On Earth: Discover The 3 WITNESSES Of Your Victory On Earth

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

Today, we will be starting a Victory Series in the Leadership fellowship and the Scripture for this series is in 1st John chapter 5:4. It says:   “4 For whatever is born of ......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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