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Adam Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 The Breath of Satan versus the Breath of Life

The Breath of Satan versus the Breath of Life: How the Decay Started

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

We want to look at something important. And the title will scare some of us that are not thinking like fighters, it may scare some of us but once we understand the purpose of the message, I'm sure in Christ Jesus, we will find strength. So, we want to look at something together that has been titled, “The Breath of Satan,” not because we love Satan, we want to......Continue Reading

 The Breath of Satan vs the Breath of Life

The Breath of Satan vs the Breath of Life: How the Decay Started

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

We want to look at something important. And the title will scare some of us that are not thinking like fighters, it may scare some of us but once we understand the purpose of the message, I'm sure in Christ Jesus, we will find strength. So, we want to look at something together that has been titled, “The Breath of ......Continue Reading

 Living and Thriving within the Boundaries of Your Discipleship

Living and Thriving within the Boundaries of Your Discipleship: Discover the Sacred Truth About Your Discipleship for your Effectiveness


For every one of us that is a disciple in discipleship, there are boundaries set for us. The discipler does not ask you to come unto nothing. He has asked you to come into a space. The discipler asks you to come into an expectation, into an experience. There is something he expects that you will learn, there is something that he expects that you will do, there is something he expects that you will stop doing — there are expectations. Those expectat......Continue Reading

 Why Was Jesus Killed?

Why Was Jesus Killed? : The Real Reason Jesus Christ of Nazareth Was Crucified Uncovered

Biblical Exposition

If you are one of those people who have been asking that question: why on earth was Jesus killed? I believe this video is meant for you. In the next few minutes, I'll be taking us through the Bible to unravel that mystery. We want to understand: Why was ......Continue Reading

 An Exposition of the First Adam and the Last Adam

An Exposition of the First Adam and the Last Adam: How to Transit from The Realm of Imperfection to Perfection

Biblical Exposition

In this piece, we'll be looking at another exposition and today we're looking at: The Exposition of the First and Last Adam. The reason why we are spending time on this is that the Holy Spirit wants to take us on a journey on how we need to transit consciously from the realm and the operation of the ......Continue Reading

 The Subtlety, Danger, and Implication of Rebellion

The Subtlety, Danger, and Implication of Rebellion: Discover Why Rebellion Is a Destroyer of Destiny

Biblical Exposition

In this piece, I want to share the Word of God with us and the title is: The subtilty, Danger and Implication of Rebellion. We want to consider a subject matter that is called rebellion, I believe it is something that we've heard before in the past, it is not a strange word to us. But we ......Continue Reading

 The Power of the Seed

The Power of the Seed: Understanding the Two-Dimensional Seed Called Christ

Biblical Exposition

Let us to start our observation from the book of Genesis 3 and we will be reading just a verse in the chapter. Genesis 3:15. The Bible says: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”......Continue Reading

 The Nature and Characteristics of The Physical Realm

The Nature and Characteristics of The Physical Realm: How to Make the Most of Living on Earth in the Purpose of God

Biblical Exposition

“There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. 2 This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” 3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of Go......Continue Reading

 Preaching Christ Beyond the Four Walls of The Church

Preaching Christ Beyond the Four Walls of The Church: Understanding Our Role in the World as Disciples and Disciplers


I just want to teach us very briefly from the Word of God on something that I believe is a message for you and I at such a time as this. But beyond you and I, it is a message for the body of Christ globally. And I believe that if you know in your heart that you are part of that body of Christ, you are going to receive this message with an open heart. The message has been titled Preaching Christ, Beyond the Four Walls of The ......Continue Reading

 How Do You Judge on Earth?

How Do You Judge on Earth?: Discover Why We Must Put on Christ In Order to Judge as Christ


Hello friends. It is Lara Gboyega Adedeji once again. In this article, I want to share with us on what has been titled: How do You Judge on the earth? What do you say? Those are the two questions we will be examining this piece. How do you judge on the earth as a kingdom ambassador, as a kingdom citizen? How do you judge? ......Continue Reading

 Kingdom System Pt. 1

Kingdom System Pt. 1: Understanding the Life Sub-System

Kingdom of Christ

I am going to begin this piece by introducing to us the word ‘system’, what does it connote? When you hear the word system, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? System is not just one thing, I am sure we are familiar with the digestive system, we are familiar with the reproductive system. I am sure many of us are good students of biology. There are a lot of systems in biology, because the human make......Continue Reading

 Kingdom Structure and Formation Pt. 2

Kingdom Structure and Formation Pt. 2: The Parables of Jesus Christ, Their Relation to the Kingdom and Our Roles as Citizens of The Kingdom of God

Kingdom of Christ

Today we are looking at the same title, but slightly different. So, we are still looking At Kingdom Structure and Formation, but the Part 2 of it. It is similar to the part one but today we are looking at something different about kingdom structure and formation. So, by way of title, we are looking......Continue Reading

 The Keys of the Kingdom Pt. 6

The Keys of the Kingdom Pt. 6: Religion Vs. Kingdom

Kingdom of Christ

This is the month of March and we will be concluding on KINGDOM SERIES today. We started by examining the introduction to the series in the first meeting, and so far, we have examined four keys in the series. The first key; the word of God, and we looked at the ......Continue Reading

 Protective Leading Strategy

Protective Leading Strategy: How Protective Leading Count for Our Effectiveness in Leadership

Leadership Growth

One of the qualities that distinguish excellent leaders and make them stand out from others is in their ability to protect their sheep from all forms of intrusion or external aggression. The beginning of every fall or defeat that comes to a leader begins when that leader is not quick to discern that a serpent is encroaching with the aim of snatching away one of the flocks.   While......Continue Reading

 The Beauty of Obedience

The Beauty of Obedience: Understanding the Essential Things That Brings Beauty to a Life


This morning under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we will be looking at The Beauty of Obedience. How beautiful is obedience? What makes obedience beautiful? We are going to start our observation from John 14 verse 23. “......Continue Reading

 The Birth And Rise Of New Kingdom Part 2

The Birth And Rise Of New Kingdom Part 2: Entering Into The Kingdom Of Christ By The Holy Spirit

Kingdom of Christ

Last week we began looking at The Birth and The Rise of a New Kingdom. The Holy Spirit helped us so much that we could not reach the end of the journey. But I believe......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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