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Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 The 8 Leadership Mindsets that Confer Greatness

The 8 Leadership Mindsets that Confer Greatness: Discover How to Command Influence in your Generation

Leadership Growth

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied unto you all. I thank my God for the grace He has made sufficient and available; and for the privilege given to me by God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to write to you another piece. Please stay blessed and inspired as you read this piece precept upon precept, lines upon lines in Jesus name. Amen. ......Continue Reading

 The God Factor in your Leadership Pt. 3

The God Factor in your Leadership Pt. 3: Why Leaders Must Lead with a Servant Heart

Leadership Awareness

Hello leaders. Welcome once again to the third leg of this series: The God Factor in your leadership. So far, we have examined the place of seeking divine wisdom and guidance in your leadership, and also, leading with purpose. You can have access to thes......Continue Reading

 How Nations Can be Led from Scarcity into Abundance Pt. 2

How Nations Can be Led from Scarcity into Abundance Pt. 2: Understanding the Dynamics of Abundance

Kingdom of Christ

In this article by the help and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I will be bringing to you another perspective as regards the subject of abundance and scarcity. Having built a background on this subject in the previous piece, it then gives me an opportunity to go straight to the points to be as brief as possible although the Holy Spirit has so much to say. ......Continue Reading

 The God Factor in your Leadership Pt. 2

The God Factor in your Leadership Pt. 2: Leading in Purpose

Leadership Awareness

A few days ago, we began discussing The God Factor in your Leadership. One of the key points emphasized was that every leader needs God, regardless of how brilliant, wealthy, or accomplished they may seem. Most successful leaders we rea......Continue Reading

 How Nations Can be Led from Scarcity into Abundance

How Nations Can be Led from Scarcity into Abundance: Understanding the Roles Leaders Play in Making their Nations Prosperous

Capacity Building

This piece will serve as a prophetic compass, a counsel and creative solutions to the lingering hardship situation we face as a people, an institution, marriage, society and as a nation. It may not be like the conventional solutions proffered to solving basic economic problems, or policies formulated in the past like floating the naira; a situation where a government allow the value of their currency to be determined by supply and de......Continue Reading

 The God Factor in your Leadership Pt. 1

The God Factor in your Leadership Pt. 1: Understanding the Place of Wisdom and Seeking Divine Guidance

Leadership Growth

There is no ruling out the very fact that every leader needs God! Leadership responsibilities are no small responsibilities and most times, it requires the divine strength and enablement that only God can supply. And so, l......Continue Reading

 How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 2

How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 2: Greatness and the Indispensability of Grace

Kingdom of Christ

When I began the first part of this article, I talked about the indispensability of grace and the word as far as greatness is concerned and how that we need to know that coming to Jesus is what forms the basis for which we must begin our journey into greatness.  And I concluded that episode by saying when you come to Jesus, ......Continue Reading

 How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 1

How to Become The Man of Your Dreams Part 1: Understanding Greateness and the Indispensibility of Grace

Leadership Awareness

Psalm 12:6-7 says; “The words of the LORD are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times. You shall keep them, O LORD, You shall preserve them from this generation forever.” This gives an idea of the integrity of the word of God. They are true, they are infallible, they don’t fall to the ground, it represent the character, the nature and the essense of God. It cannot be broken or rendered ineffective. The Bible says heaven and earth ma......Continue Reading

 The Education of the Word

The Education of the Word: Discover How the Word of God Can Foster Personal Growth, Spiritual Development, and Emotional Wellbeing

Biblical Exposition

There is an education that comes with knowing and understanding the ......Continue Reading

 The Breath of Satan versus the Breath of Life

The Breath of Satan versus the Breath of Life: How the Decay Started

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

We want to look at something important. And the title will scare some of us that are not thinking like fighters, it may scare some of us but once we understand the purpose of the message, I'm sure in Christ Jesus, we will find strength. So, we want to look at something together that has been titled, “The Breath of Satan,” not because we love Satan, we want to......Continue Reading

 The Breath of Satan vs the Breath of Life

The Breath of Satan vs the Breath of Life: How the Decay Started

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

We want to look at something important. And the title will scare some of us that are not thinking like fighters, it may scare some of us but once we understand the purpose of the message, I'm sure in Christ Jesus, we will find strength. So, we want to look at something together that has been titled, “The Breath of ......Continue Reading

 The Two Sides of the Coin of the Journey of a Disciple

The Two Sides of the Coin of the Journey of a Disciple: How A Vessel Can Change Usage, Value And Purpose

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

In this article, we are looking at “The Two Sides of the Coin of the Disciple’s Journey”.  And in case we want to replace that “journey”, we can use “of the disciple’s destiny”. At the Believer’s Fellowship, we were brought into an experience in the book of 2 Timothy, and I will love us to start from that place. 2 Timothy chapter 2, I will read from verse 20 to verse 26. Now, see......Continue Reading

 The Pharisee, The Church and The Christ

The Pharisee, The Church and The Christ:

Church Identity

In this piece, we will be looking at the “Pharisees and the Church”. The Pharisees and the church is a very interesting conversation that the Holy Spirit wants to have with us today. But I b......Continue Reading

 Realizing How God Has Raised You

Realizing How God Has Raised You : Embracing Your Calling

Leadership Awareness

In this piece, we are looking at ‘Realizing why you are raised: Accepting your calling’. The reason why it's important for us to accept our calling is when we realize why we are being raised up by God. In this piece, it is more of a case study teaching. And we're going to be looking at examples in the Scrip......Continue Reading

 Being Set Apart for The Purpose of God

Being Set Apart for The Purpose of God:

Leadership Awareness

In this piece we will be looking at set apart for His purpose. And our major text will be taken from 2 Timothy, and the Holy Spirit will help us to divide that S......Continue Reading

 The Enablers of Destiny

The Enablers of Destiny: Understanding How the Holy Spirit Empowers Us

Kingdom of Christ

In this piece, we'll be considering the enabler of destinies. What I perceive strongly in my spirit is that the Holy Ghost wants to empower us, to enable us to do the work of Him that has called us. “The Enabler of Destinies. We're going to start our observation from the Book of Zechariah chapter 4, is a familiar Scripture to us. Zechariah chapter 4, we will read from verses 1 to 7: ......Continue Reading

 How Believers Must Respond to the Calling of God

How Believers Must Respond to the Calling of God: Discover the Requirements For being Sent Out as Disciple

Kingdom of Christ

In this piece, there are 3 questions that I believe the Holy Spirit will be giving us answers to this evening. The first one is, what is the believer’s call? I'm sure many of us are bold to say that I am a believer. Many of us are bold to say that I believe in the Lord Jesus, I have believed in my heart, and I've confessed with my mouth, the Lord Jesus and I'm saved. I'm save......Continue Reading

 The Dynamics of Alignment

The Dynamics of Alignment: How to Be Full of the Knowledge of Gods Will

Leadership Strategy

Colossians 1 verse 9 says; “For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.”   ......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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