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Cross Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Looking Unto Jesus

Looking Unto Jesus: Rediscovering the Father-Son Relationship Between God and Man for A Joyful Future


Some weeks ago, we look through the Kingdom Experience, from part one to part eight and I think it was a glorious experience. For some of us, we may need to go back to the series and read them again. In this piece, we want to examine: Looking unto Jesus. This is also going to be a series, however, the ......Continue Reading

 Jesus Christ: Pick Up Your Cross, Follow Me

Jesus Christ: Pick Up Your Cross, Follow Me:

Kingdom of Christ

In this piece, we will be looking at a conversation in Matthew chapter 16:24 that says; Pick up Your Cross and Follow Me. This conversation was what Jesus had with His disciples in Matthew chapter 16:24. It says;......Continue Reading

 Crucifying The Flesh

Crucifying The Flesh:

Apostolic Revival

In this article, we'll be looking at something very instructive. We'll be looking at Crucifying the Flesh. Why is this very instructive? It is instructive to us because we are flesh and blood, and we have this inherent weakness within us called the flesh. And that is why it's important that we learn from this instructive message, ‘Crucifying the flesh’. The word; cruci......Continue Reading

 The Throne, The Judgment and The Cross

The Throne, The Judgment and The Cross :

Kingdom of Christ

In this article we will be looking at a very sensitive topic that is supposed to shape our lives and our daily living as we walk on the earth. What we'll be looking at today is very sensitive and important, and it helps us to transit, and for some of us that have transited, it helps us to position ourselves in this place of understanding that our hope does not end here. &......Continue Reading

 What Makes for Difference Among Disciples of Christ Across Denominations?

What Makes for Difference Among Disciples of Christ Across Denominations?: How The Church Becomes One Entity Under Christ Jesus

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

We want to quickly look at something that we must be sensitive in our spirit to. We want to examine: What Makes for Difference Among Disciples of Christ Across Denominations. We are using the word denominations to represent different units of the church. The church mega, the church, according to some people that they call some churches mushroom churches. Whether mushroom or mega, whether a monoculture......Continue Reading


How To CARRY The CROSS Of MARRIAGE In CHRIST Pt. 2: The 7 SECRETS of Oneness in MARRIAGE From Jesus Christ

Relationship & Marriage

Today we are continuing what we started last week. Last week we began looking at How to Carry the Cross of Marriage in Christ and today we are examining the part two of that same topic. We began looking at the book of M......Continue Reading


How To CARRY The CROSS Of MARRIAGE In CHRIST Pt. 1: Are You Becoming One or Separating From Your Spouse?

Relationship & Marriage

`This evening` we are considering something and I want us to follow along. Some of us can be picking marital lessons from it and we can also pick discipleship lessons from it. If you peradventure see any leadership lessons as well, you are at liberty to pick it. But we want to consider what has been titled: How to Carry the Cr......Continue Reading

 Towards Becoming a Victorious Disciple

Towards Becoming a Victorious Disciple: Examining What Jesus Said in This Regard

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

“Then He said to them all (the people and His disciples: Mark 8:34), ......Continue Reading

 Understanding Discipleship

Understanding Discipleship: What Does It Mean to Take Up Your Cross Daily?

Self Awareness

When we talk about Discipleship, what we are referring to is dedication in following Christ Jesus. That means that a disciple is a dedicated follower of Jesus. To be qualified as a disciple is not to follow for a time or season, No! What makes one a disciple is in following perpetually. And so, when Jesus instructed his apostles in Matthew 28:19 to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations; He was referring to d......Continue Reading

 The Message of The Cross, The Revealed Christ And The Power of The Holy Spirit

The Message of The Cross, The Revealed Christ And The Power of The Holy Spirit: The Secret To Effectiveness In Ministry


Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus  Christ. I write to you, the Body of Christ who are zealous to hear the truth and speak the truth and who hunger to see Christ reign as king in your midst. This is a burden in my heart with which I wish to share with you, especially to Pastors, Evangelist, Prophets and Teachers of the word; and all those who handle the mysteries and oracles of God. ......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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