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Fire Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Kingdom Experience Pt. 7

Kingdom Experience Pt. 7: The Parable of the Dragnet

Kingdom of Christ

Today we want to continue the series Kingdom Experience that we started and we've looked at quite a number of things. We started with: A Stone Rejected Cornerstone and the ......Continue Reading

 Arise and Shine

Arise and Shine:

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

God is giving us a marching order and the marching order the Lord is giving us is: Arise and shine! Arise and shine! That is a command of God.   In this article, the Holy Spirit will be leading us into three (3) critical areas which we must arise from as children of God in this ......Continue Reading

 The Purifying Fire

The Purifying Fire:

Leadership Growth

In this piece, we'll be looking at a very interesting topic that I believe the Lord wants to use to usher us into a great experience in His presence. We're looking at the Purifying fire.   So, we want to look at the word ......Continue Reading

 Why Leaders Must Be Cautious in Leadership

Why Leaders Must Be Cautious in Leadership: Understanding the Need for Leaders to Act Cautiously

Leadership Growth

One of the things that leaders (every leader) must learn in the course of their leadership is the need to lead with caution. Every leader must learn how to lead with caution. Now, to lead with caution does not actually connote that the leader should be afraid. Leading with caution does not equate being afraid in leadership. In actual sense, to lead with caution is to lead with every sense of duty and carefulness in order to brin......Continue Reading

 God As the Consuming Fire

God As the Consuming Fire:

Kingdom of Christ

In this piece we will be looking at a dimension of God that is warfare; a dimension of God that makes things work for us, and also a dimension of God that enables us to step in as victors and overcomers.     I would love you to see 1 Kings chapter 18; this story here, helps us to see the dim......Continue Reading

 The Refining Fire of the Holy Spirit

The Refining Fire of the Holy Spirit: Understanding Why God Takes Us Through the Process of Refining


In this article, we will be examining something fundamental and I want us to pay attention to what the Lord has to say to us. We’ll be observing The Refining Fire of The Holy Spirit. Why is it important? Why is the Holy Spirit bringing this issue up at such a tim......Continue Reading


WOMB: The Birthing of God on The Earth

Self Awareness

In this piece, we will be looking at Womb: The Birthing of God on The Earth. The Holy Spirit wants to take us on a journey where we understand how God birth His agenda on the earth. Whenever God wants to do something great, whenever God wants to do anything at all on the earth; how He makes it happen, the pr......Continue Reading

 The Truth About Eternal Redemption

The Truth About Eternal Redemption: Discover Grace as the Only Gateway That Leads to Salvation

Biblical Exposition

I want to share something with us very briefly, I trust God is going to be brief. And it has been titled: The Truths About Eternal Redemption. And one thing that the Holy Spirit kept emphasizing in my heart, as He was preparing me for this writeup, is the fact that there is need for us to re-echo......Continue Reading

 Beware of Strange Fire!

Beware of Strange Fire!: Discover Why You Must Revere God with Your Priesthood


In the last few weeks, two weeks I guess, we have been considering themes around Offering, Priesthood and Worship. The reason why this is important at such a time as this is because many believers don’t operate with God on these bases adequately yet. Sometimes we, in the New Covenant may be tempted to think “Offering is an Old Testament thing, Priesthood is an Old Testament thing, Worship is an Old Testament thing” which of course t......Continue Reading

 Towards Becoming the Man of Your Destiny Pt. 2

Towards Becoming the Man of Your Destiny Pt. 2: Understanding Why the Fear of God is a Necessity

Self Awareness

Becoming a man of your destiny does not happen on the platter of convenience. I don’t know if there is anyone in the Bible that God called out for a destiny walk with Him that can say they had it on a platter of convenience. Most of the times, God would not tell us to do things that are convenient. If you are the type that is always looking for the convenient and easy things with God, I believe you must have been disappointed a couple of times by n......Continue Reading

 Strange Fire on The Altar

Strange Fire on The Altar: How to Retain Your Spiritual Authority for Ministry

Five-fold Ministry

Today, we are considering something that is very interesting, interesting to God and something that we must be interested in. Today we want to look at "Strange Fire on The Altar." I am sure most of us, if not all of us, are aware of the implication or the meaning of Strange fire on the Altar. We have watched a number of films and we have as well listened to a number of sermons and our attention over the years have been called to the danger of offering s......Continue Reading

 Hellish Moments

Hellish Moments: Have You Ever Gnashed Your Teeth?


According to the dictionary, to gnash is to bring your top and bottom teeth together quickly. In another instance, it says, to gnash is to grind (one's teeth) together as a sign of anger (often used hyperbolically). The question is, why do people gnash? Do people gnash in their state of ecstasy or pleasure; or do people gnash in great displeasure?   then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.&r......Continue Reading

 Rekindle The Fire Let It Burn Again Pt. 2

Rekindle The Fire Let It Burn Again Pt. 2: An Open Letter To My Childhood Church

Church Growth

Kindly read Rekindle The Fire Let It Burn Again Pt. 1: An Open Letter To My Childhood Church Here. Greetings to you dearly beloved church of Christ. I wish I could apologize for upsetting you with the word of truth in my previous epistle, but nevertheless, God the faithfu......Continue Reading

 Rekindle The Fire Let It Burn Again Pt. 1

Rekindle The Fire Let It Burn Again Pt. 1: An Open Letter To My Childhood Church

Church Growth

What has happened to you oh church of Christ? Engaging in merriment, dancing on the altar of God, unconscious of the looming doom set to befall you. Who has bewitched you? Why have you chosen to conform to the patterns of the world? What happened to the revival fire you so much talk about? What has happened to the vision of the great harvest of souls? What has gone wrong; what happened to the hunger and thirst for souls that are perishing? Th......Continue Reading

 The Consuming Man

The Consuming Man: How Have You Been Built To Function?

Self Awareness

More than what you may love to think about man, woman or yourself; I have come to discover the very thing that explains the functionality of every man - irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or generation.   According to the book of Genesis 1:26, man was made in the image and likeness of God. However, unlike God, the body of man was made from the dust of the ground (earth). As soon as the body of man was fabricated by God, He released His natur......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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