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money Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Are You Still Undecided About Money?

Are You Still Undecided About Money?: How to Make Life-Changing Money Decisions

Biblical Exposition

Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Do you know there are many matters that people feel there should be a middle ground; we should be able to sit on the fence, we should be able to take a middle position. But many matters in life do not require a middle ground. You either fall on the left side, or on the right side — there is no middle ground anywhere. Ther......Continue Reading

 WORKING Quietly And Eating Your Own BREAD In MINISTRY

WORKING Quietly And Eating Your Own BREAD In MINISTRY: Learning To Become Shining Example For Your Congregation

Work, Career & Ministry

This week we are considering something that is important and I want you to be passionate and excited about it because it has something to do with your future. It has something to do with your destiny and it has something to do with your reward that you will receive from God for this ministry that you are in. I am sure you are in that city, you are in that country, ......Continue Reading

 Ethical Matters In Ministry

Ethical Matters In Ministry: Understanding The Disposition of The Minister To Money

Work, Career & Ministry

As much as ministry is service, and not just an ordinary service for that matter, a spiritual service rendered in the name of the Lord, there are ministerial ethics in which a minister of the gospel must abide with.   Ethics, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary ......Continue Reading

 Does Your Ministry Flourish On The Blessings of The Lord God?

Does Your Ministry Flourish On The Blessings of The Lord God?:

Five-fold Ministry

Today we are looking at something very important. Last week, it was a question that was thrown at us: Can Your Ministry Be Found In Christ Jesus? I am sure since last week you have been meditating on it and you have been getting the right answer God. You understand that the question is not the one asked by me to y......Continue Reading

 The Secret To Kingdom Wealth And Increase

The Secret To Kingdom Wealth And Increase: A Step By Step Guide To Making More From Your Possession

Work, Career & Ministry

Tonight, the Lord has sent a word to us and I believe that it is a pointer to what God wants to do in our lives, and as many people as are willing to key into it without saying 'No, I have seen this word before, I think I heard it sometimes ago'. As many as are able to key into it, believing that it is the word of the Lord for them for now, there is going to be a change in their lives. And there is going to be a change in our lives in Jesus' name. Ton......Continue Reading

 The Offering That Moves God

The Offering That Moves God: Sustaining Divine Supply in and for Ministry


Tonight, we are looking at something that the Lord cherishes a lot, which we must cherish. Something that is valuable to God that must become valuable to us, if we will become valuable entities in our generations. We are looking at The Offering that Moves God. Now, there are so much to be observed from that title. The first thing is offering. But it is not just an offering, it is the offering. Now, there is 'move' and there is 'Go......Continue Reading

 Finance In Marriage

Finance In Marriage: 5 Tips on How To Handle Money Problems in Marital Relationships

Relationship & Marriage

Money is essential in our everyday living. Unlike the primitive era where goods can be exchanged for goods, hardly would any transaction take place in this modern times without money exchanging hands. Whether physical cash or electronic money, one way or the other; goods and services are duly rendered when there had been some kind of monetary exchange. ......Continue Reading

 What Does An Average Nigerian Politician Have to Give?

What Does An Average Nigerian Politician Have to Give?: As Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership

Politics & Governance

In the word of Dr John C. Maxwell, "Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership"; the implication of that assertion is that the leaders have the responsibility and the opportunity to shape the destiny of a people. From the time of Adam till date, the best leaders have not been the richest or the strongest - but they have been men and women of clarity of vision, correct character and dogged faith in the future. Where problem arises is when the political leaders are s......Continue Reading

 When Nigerian Politicians Share Money

When Nigerian Politicians Share Money: Wise Nigerians Must Watchout

Politics & Governance

What many Nigerians grow up knowing is the high propensity of the elites to steal or embezzle the commonwealth of most Nigerians. From the local wards to the federal parliament, the norm is to crave for money to siphone from the national treasury. The resources that the FG, State Governments and even the LGs claim aren't enough to ease the pains of the populace are steadily, but slowly stolen from the treasury. What worries many Nigerians is, "What do these politi......Continue Reading

 The Moneybox of Ministry

The Moneybox of Ministry: Who Keeps It? How Is It Managed?

Work, Career & Ministry

One of the things that we know about ministry is that it is the pursuit of God's purpose on the earth. God has called you, you have responded to His call and you are now pursuing it, following and chasing after it, working every bit of it out with God. What God has spoken a foretime is being performed now through you. That is Ministry! Now we want to examine the implication of money in that ministry, what is the relevance of it in the pur......Continue Reading

 When Money Fails

When Money Fails: Why Is Naira Failing in Nigeria?

Nigerian Economy

The simplest definition of money is that it is a medium of exchange. You must have money to have anything else is the assumption. Whenever you need any good or service, you must be willing and ready to give up a commensurate portion of money to receive what you need. The question now is, what happens when money fails? The situation in Nigeria is now close to the failure of money in a society. Today, many people cannot get what they need with the money they have. Sometime ago, Nigeri......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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