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Nations Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 How Nations Can be Led from Scarcity into Abundance Pt. 2

How Nations Can be Led from Scarcity into Abundance Pt. 2: Understanding the Dynamics of Abundance

Kingdom of Christ

In this article by the help and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I will be bringing to you another perspective as regards the subject of abundance and scarcity. Having built a background on this subject in the previous piece, it then gives me an opportunity to go straight to the points to be as brief as possible although the Holy Spirit has so much to say. ......Continue Reading

 How Nations Can be Led from Scarcity into Abundance

How Nations Can be Led from Scarcity into Abundance: Understanding the Roles Leaders Play in Making their Nations Prosperous

Capacity Building

This piece will serve as a prophetic compass, a counsel and creative solutions to the lingering hardship situation we face as a people, an institution, marriage, society and as a nation. It may not be like the conventional solutions proffered to solving basic economic problems, or policies formulated in the past like floating the naira; a situation where a government allow the value of their currency to be determined by supply and de......Continue Reading

 The Truth Nobody Tells You About Peace

The Truth Nobody Tells You About Peace: Understanding the Importance of Having Christ Jesus as Our Prince of Peace

Biblical Exposition

Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Hello, everyone and welcome to Bible in Focus. Today we'll be sharing together the word of the Lord Jesus in John chapter 14:27. So, Jesus was speaking here. He said: “......Continue Reading

 What Makes for Difference Among Disciples of Christ Across Denominations?

What Makes for Difference Among Disciples of Christ Across Denominations?: How The Church Becomes One Entity Under Christ Jesus

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

We want to quickly look at something that we must be sensitive in our spirit to. We want to examine: What Makes for Difference Among Disciples of Christ Across Denominations. We are using the word denominations to represent different units of the church. The church mega, the church, according to some people that they call some churches mushroom churches. Whether mushroom or mega, whether a monoculture......Continue Reading

 Re-Discovering the Foundational Secrets of Prosperous Nations

Re-Discovering the Foundational Secrets of Prosperous Nations : How to Build a Prosperous Nation Part Three

Leadership Awareness

We often sing these lines in our national anthem; “the labor of our heroes past, shall never be in vain”, and we sing their praises for fighting for our independence and for laying the foundation of this great nation. And I am forced to ask; the happenings in our nation today, does it show that the leaders in the past, the founding fathers who have labored in the past, have they really done a good job? Where did we get it wrong? Is the proble......Continue Reading

 Why Are Many African Nations Not Led by Their Best Minds, Hands & Hearts?

Why Are Many African Nations Not Led by Their Best Minds, Hands & Hearts?: Discover Why

Leadership Awareness

Abiola Obayomi: Good day everyone. Welcome to Leaderview, my name is Abiola Obayomi. On today's podcast, we are going to be having an interactive session, it is not going to be the way......Continue Reading

 Preaching Christ Beyond the Four Walls of The Church

Preaching Christ Beyond the Four Walls of The Church: Understanding Our Role in the World as Disciples and Disciplers


I just want to teach us very briefly from the Word of God on something that I believe is a message for you and I at such a time as this. But beyond you and I, it is a message for the body of Christ globally. And I believe that if you know in your heart that you are part of that body of Christ, you are going to receive this message with an open heart. The message has been titled Preaching Christ, Beyond the Four Walls of The ......Continue Reading

 The Different Pathways to Effective Discipleship

The Different Pathways to Effective Discipleship: How to fulfill the Mandate of Discipling Nations for God

Biblical Exposition

 Jesus was very emphatic in Matthew 28:19 that we should make disciples of all nations. If this task would ever be accomplished, then it means we have to understand the different pathways to making it happen. Jesus’ vision from here is that the whole world be discipled, meaning the whole nations of the world become a dedicated follower of Hi......Continue Reading

 Discipling Nations

Discipling Nations: The Model of God

Kingdom of Christ

This evening under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we will be sharing together the word of God titled; Discipling Nations: The Model of God. Another way you can put it is: The Model of God in Discipling ......Continue Reading


What DRIVES Your MISSION Work?: The Engine ROOM of Social Change & Social Reformation Across Generations of Nations

Work, Career & Ministry

Today on Disciplers Convocation we are considering a question, and I believe it is a question that is directed at all of us, exempting none of us, irrespective of age, gender or background. The only set of people that may exclude themselves from this word are those who consider themselves to be mentally unstable. One thing about mentally unstable people is tha......Continue Reading

 3 Reasons Why Great Nations Are Ruled by Their Worst

3 Reasons Why Great Nations Are Ruled by Their Worst: A Case Study Of Nigeria

Politics & Governance

It is no longer news that many great Nations today, are being led or ruled by their worst. There are supposedly great Nations, and there are ......Continue Reading

 The Pursuit of Fulfillment In The Discipling of Nations

The Pursuit of Fulfillment In The Discipling of Nations: How To Win The Race of Ministry And Obtain Divine PRIZE!

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

Today, by the help of the Holy Spirit, we are continuing and perhaps concluding the series we began in March, looking at a couple of things under this discipleship that the Lord has called us into. And today we are looking at "The Pursuit of ......Continue Reading


Power-Driven DISCIPLESHIP: The POWER of A DISCIPLE for Discipling Nations for Christ Jesus

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

Today we want to look at something that the Holy Spirit has prepared aforetime, very time for our situation on the earth today. The Lord has a word for us and it is titled: Power-Driven Discipleship. Last week, the Lord opened our eyes to see Vision-Driven Discipleship. Do we still remember that? And I want us to look at the book of Luke chapter 4 and we will read verse 14. Of course, there are i......Continue Reading

 Strategic Thinking In Discipleship

Strategic Thinking In Discipleship: How To Disciple Nations Through Effective Strategic Thinking

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

This week the Lord has brought us to a moment in time, a moment in history. We began at the beginning of this day, a trip to the land of Australia by the commandment of God and so, our Disciplers' Convocation this evening and perhaps every other meeting we will be having this week, is g......Continue Reading

 Discipling Nations Through Prayers

Discipling Nations Through Prayers: Discovering 'The How' And 'The Why'

Apostolic Revival

In the evening Bible School, we were made to understand the ultimate plan of God for the nations, very instructive word that the Lord sent to us yesterday, letting us know that God is mindful of nations. In fact, God’s grand agenda is an agenda for nations. When God starts with individuals and people, His goal and his projection is not just looking at a few people, is ......Continue Reading

 The Ultimate Plan of God For Nations

The Ultimate Plan of God For Nations: 5 Reasons Why God Is Particular About Nations

Apostolic Revival

"And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands and territories. 27 This was so that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grasp for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us." ......Continue Reading

 Who Changes The Course of Nations

Who Changes The Course of Nations: God or Man?


I have been thinking lately why Nigeria has remained the way it is, despite her being one of the most religious countries in the world. We are a praying nation, and we have more churches and mosques than we have tertiary institutions in the country. Our towns and cities boasts of the finest and largest church auditoriums you would see around the world. A foreigner visiting Nigeria for the first time needs no stress in feeling the ambience of ......Continue Reading

 The Role of The Church In Nations

The Role of The Church In Nations: How The Church Can Develop The Economies of Nations

Church Identity

I write this article with a great sense of humility, responsibility and urgency. While the world could claim ignorance of the true identity and purpose of the church; no one can claim ignorance of the power of the Church. The Church has become so indispensable in almost all nations of the earth; and no government of this world is unmindful of the continuous growth and influence of the Church across the nations. When I mention ‘Church’, I am not unmindful of the presence ......Continue Reading

 How Most African Nations Are Still Babes

How Most African Nations Are Still Babes: Underdeveloped And Underemployed

Organizational Culture

What an outrageous claim you may submit! But really, it calls for close examination to prove its validity. After a long period of colonial rule (affliction, oppression, bondage, etc.), Nigeria got independence in October 1st, 1960. However, as a new child that is “delivered” from the womb (colonization) is expected to possess some attributes of a babe; and then grow up to become truly independent (in mentality, character, productivity, culture, etc.); a newly “delivered&rdqu......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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