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Sons Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 6 Pathways to Effective Leadership

6 Pathways to Effective Leadership: Rediscovering the Strategic Tools for Excellent Leadership

Leadership Awareness

Whenever the word destiny or destination is mentioned what comes to the mind is a ‘pathway’ or “way”. There can’t be a destination without the knowledge of the way. Even if the knowledge of the direction is known, ‘the way’ ultimately determines the successful ar......Continue Reading

 Overcoming Anxiety with Wisdom from the Bible

Overcoming Anxiety with Wisdom from the Bible: Lessons and Case Study

Self Growth

Hey there! Ever felt like anxiety's got you in a chokehold, squeezing the pep out of your step? You're not alone. But guess what? There's a treasure trove of wisdom waiting to be discovered in the Bible that can shine a light on the path out of those shadowy valleys of worry. In this article, we're diving deep into the good book to fish out some pearls of wisdom on ove......Continue Reading

 The Judge and His Judging Sons

The Judge and His Judging Sons: Understanding How to Operate as Sons in Kingdom

Leadership Awareness

In this piece, the Holy Spirit will just be reminding us again of who we are. So, this is a reminder, this is just a reminder of who we are. The Holy Spirit is bringing to our attention again who God has made us to be. And so that will start working and operating as the sons and daughters of God indeed. We are looking at “The ......Continue Reading

 Heirs of God and Their Inheritances

Heirs of God and Their Inheritances: Understanding the Benefits of Being Called the Heirs of God

Kingdom of Christ

In this article, we're going to be looking at a very central topic in the kingdom. And we're going to be studying on heirs of God and their inheritance. So, we are going to understand by the help of the Holy Spirit; who are the heirs of God? Why are they called heirs of God? What is the benefit of them being called heirs of God? And what is their inheritance? There's a Scripture where Apostle Paul ......Continue Reading

 Revisiting Stewardship in the Kingdom of God

Revisiting Stewardship in the Kingdom of God: Discover why God is so Keen about Your Stewardship

Kingdom of Christ

I want to share with us something that is very important in the heart of God. It's about kingdom. It's about stewardship. And it is about our responsibility in the kingdom of God and in the family of God. So, we are looking at: Revisiting Stewardship in The Kingdom of God......Continue Reading

 The Family of God

The Family of God: Understanding How to Fit into the Family of God

Leadership Growth

In this piece, we'll be looking at a very interesting topic that will help us appreciate and know more on the reason why Jesus has come to the earth. We're going to be looking in depth at the “family of God”. How do you and I fit into this family? What is our relevance in this family? What is the makeup of this family? Why is the essence of this family critical to the light of the world? Ho......Continue Reading

 How God Deals with Our Expectations: 5 Reasons Why You Must be Still

How God Deals with Our Expectations: 5 Reasons Why You Must be Still:

Capacity Building

In this article, we'll be looking at something that the Lord wants to use to encourage us. This word is an exhortation, it is an encouragement. I don't know where you are right now, in your dealings with God. I don't know what your expectations are, but God has brought a word of encouragement, and what we are looking at is; ‘Be ......Continue Reading

 Why Was Jesus Buried After His Crucifixion?

Why Was Jesus Buried After His Crucifixion?: The Secret of The Burial of Jesus Finally FOUND OUT

Biblical Exposition

The purpose of this video is to find an answer to that very important question: Why was Jesus buried? We have looked at why Jesus was killed. But in this video, we want to consider why ......Continue Reading

 Understanding Our SONSHIP in the Kingdom

Understanding Our SONSHIP in the Kingdom: Discover the Practical Implication of Your Sonship in the Kingdom of God

Kingdom of Christ

In this piece, I want to share with us on the subject matter of SONSHIP. One of the reasons why many of us as God’s children aren’t taking our rightful place in our dominion mandate is simply because many of us have not fully understood our SONSHIP yet. It appears that we have the potential to do so much for God, but we are doing so little because we don&rsqu......Continue Reading

 4 Significant Reasons Human Race Must Embrace the Mercy of God

4 Significant Reasons Human Race Must Embrace the Mercy of God: Discover Why Christ Jesus is the Revelation of God’s Mercy

Biblical Exposition

I want us to begin our observation from the book of Romans chapter 11. We are going to start reading from verse 22 and we will read all through to the end. The Bible says: “Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.” I want us to spen......Continue Reading

 3 Reasons Why Leaders Should Lead Transgenerationally

3 Reasons Why Leaders Should Lead Transgenerationally: Discover what Separates Effective Leaders from Ineffective Leaders

Leadership Awareness

We live in a time when leaders must never stop thinking about the future they want their incoming generation to inherit from them. I have come to realize that an integral part of leadership responsibilities, is actually thinking transgenerationally. Great leaders don't just think about themselves alone. They don't just think about the moment. They also think about the future they want those coming after them to inherit, the kind of fut......Continue Reading

 Times and Seasons in Marriage

Times and Seasons in Marriage:

Relationship & Marriage

The focus of this article is on marriage and we will be looking at “Times and Seasons in Marriage.” When I bring the Word of God, by His grace, I love to make it applicable as possible to different areas of our lives. Even though our focus is on marriage, this same principle of the Word of God can be applied to understan......Continue Reading

 Six Critical Reasons That Makes God Our Choice

Six Critical Reasons That Makes God Our Choice :

Effective Living Strategy

In this article, the Holy Spirit has instructed that we consider this very important and critical subject matter and we are looking at choosing God, six critical reasons that makes God our choice. That’s what we are ......Continue Reading

 Equipping the Sons of God for Effective Spiritual Warfare on the Earth

Equipping the Sons of God for Effective Spiritual Warfare on the Earth: Christ Strategies for Victory In The Battles of Life

Spiritual Warfare Strategies

In the month of December, there was a series that the Lord led us through and what we will be considering in this piece is a buildup of that series. In those series, we were made to Rediscover the Christ. Having Rediscover the Christ, we realized that The Child was Born, and the need to Follow the Son of man that we may Become ......Continue Reading

 Lessons from The Shunammite Woman

Lessons from The Shunammite Woman: Understanding the Power of Positive Confessions

Self Growth

 No matter what you are facing right now, it is a fear of the devil beclouding you, God's word is true and that’s why when we were starting this meeting I said we should pray that, Lord, open my eyes to see what you are saying to me. Many of us need to stand up and send the spirit of fear out of our lives. The reason many of us don't have enjoyable and lasting miracles and answered prayers is because of fear. God answe......Continue Reading

 Hope: Lessons from The Life of Ruth

Hope: Lessons from The Life of Ruth:

Leadership Awareness

1 CORINTHIANS 13: 11-13 “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 for now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.......Continue Reading

 The Lessons from Eve

The Lessons from Eve : Discover What You Must do to Safeguard Your Marriage

Self Awareness

Genesis chapter three, we will read from verse one; The Lessons from Eve. We want   to pray, as women, this is the first woman. What mistake did she make? How did she fall from grace that we must learn from? What are the things that happened to her that must not happen to us? What are the things that she encountered in her life that dethroned her from being a queen to being a pauper, we must learn it. Last week, we looked at The Wisdom of th......Continue Reading

 Understanding The Dynamics and Process of Change

Understanding The Dynamics and Process of Change: Discover Six Ways Through Which a Life Can Experience a Lasting Change

Self Growth

I want to show us something beautiful in this piece about the ways and process through which a life can experience lasting change. Let us open our Bibles to the book of Job 14:14 and start our meditation from there. Many of us may not have read this portion of the Bible in a very long time and so, we are being privileged to be reading it in this article. The Bible says: “If a man dies, shall he live again......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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