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Truth Archive | Centre for New Dimension Leadership

 Understanding Discernment as the Fulcrum of Self-Leadership

Understanding Discernment as the Fulcrum of Self-Leadership: Leveraging on the Holy Spirit for an Effective Leadership

Leadership Awareness

Self-leadership is the ability to guide and regulate oneself toward personal and spiritual growth, making choices that align with purpose, values, and divine principles. At the heart of effective self-leadership is discernment, the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, wisdom from folly, and divine direction from human impulses. Proverbs 4:7 states, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: an......Continue Reading

 As A Believer - What and Who Do You Believe? Whose Report Do You Believe?

As A Believer - What and Who Do You Believe? Whose Report Do You Believe?:


 As a Believer, what do You Believe? This will be the crux of our discussion in this piece.  If you are asked, are you a believer? There is a strong tendency for everyone to say ‘I am a believer’, but that you are a believer is not in question, the question is not are you a believer? The question is what do you believe? The question could be taken further by saying whom do you believe?  And I want us to start from the book of 2 Thessalonia......Continue Reading

 The Truth Nobody Tells You About Peace

The Truth Nobody Tells You About Peace: Understanding the Importance of Having Christ Jesus as Our Prince of Peace

Biblical Exposition

Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Hello, everyone and welcome to Bible in Focus. Today we'll be sharing together the word of the Lord Jesus in John chapter 14:27. So, Jesus was speaking here. He said: “......Continue Reading

 The Truth About Eternal Redemption

The Truth About Eternal Redemption: Discover Grace as the Only Gateway That Leads to Salvation

Biblical Exposition

I want to share something with us very briefly, I trust God is going to be brief. And it has been titled: The Truths About Eternal Redemption. And one thing that the Holy Spirit kept emphasizing in my heart, as He was preparing me for this writeup, is the fact that there is need for us to re-echo......Continue Reading

 Rediscovering the Sabbath as Disciples

Rediscovering the Sabbath as Disciples: Are You a True Worshipper?

Spiritual Growth & Maturity

In this piece today, we want to look at something that I believe is going to challenge us and stretch us and so, we need to be very opened, we need to also enlarge the tent of our heart so that we can comprehend the mysteries that God want to unfold unto us because precepts from precepts, that is how we are supposed to grow, from one level of glory into another., step upon step, here a little, there a little and so, we grow. W......Continue Reading

 A Minister of Sin Vs a Minister of Grace

A Minister of Sin Vs a Minister of Grace: Understanding How to Minister Grace and Not Minister Sin


Hi everyone, it is Lara Gboyega Adedeji once again. In this piece, we will be looking at a very interesting thing that the Holy Spirit has raised for us and He wants us to consider it together even as He teach us and lead us into all truth. We are considering: A Minister of Sin Vs A Minister of Grace. ......Continue Reading

 Kingdom Curriculum Part Five

Kingdom Curriculum Part Five: The Word of Truth

Kingdom of Christ

It’s been an exciting journey on the Kingdom Curriculum; from last month we have been looking at the kingdom curriculum series, and we have been looking at the different layers of the curriculum, and we have looked at the first one, and last week we looked at The Word of Life. We......Continue Reading

 The TRUTH You Must Know About GIVING In Church As A Christian

The TRUTH You Must Know About GIVING In Church As A Christian: Priority of the Church Vs Priority of Christ Jesus!

Work, Career & Ministry

Gboyega Adedeji: The word ‘GIVE’ is a word that has been used and abused so much by the people of the world today, especially by the people that are identified with God. Now, I'm sure many people understand that that word:......Continue Reading

 The Principles of Exploit Pt. 2

The Principles of Exploit Pt. 2: Understanding Proper Interpretation and Presentation of The Truth

Leadership Growth

The Principle of Proper Interpretation and Presentation of the Truth states that "Truths presented with clarity and no ambiguity by the power of the Holy Spirit; haven gone through a process of preparation and a complete grasp of purpose, leaves the audience with ......Continue Reading

 The 6 Pillars (Doctrines) of Christianity

The 6 Pillars (Doctrines) of Christianity: Understanding The Foundational Truth About Christianity

Self Growth

A pillar is a structural member of a building that carries its weight. Most buildings are usually made up of one form of pillar or the other. The weights of the building are usually carried by the pillars so that little or no stress is transferred to the foundation of the building. The 6 Pillars of Christianity however talks about some basic teachings upon which Christianity stands. For any believer to grow in God and in the ......Continue Reading

 The Church of God Vs The Church of Man

The Church of God Vs The Church of Man: Examining Where The Problem Is


The word "Church" was first mentioned in the New Testament in Matthew 16:18 when Jesus said to Peter "...you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." From that Scripture, few of the many things that could be deduced from it is that Jesus told Peter He was going to build a church, the type in which the gates of Hades (the gate of hell) cannot ......Continue Reading

 The Foundational Truth About The Relationship God Has With Man

The Foundational Truth About The Relationship God Has With Man:


The relationship that God has with man is on the basis of three things: His Love for us, His Grace and His Righteousness. These three are foundational in the sense that they form the pillars upon which our relationship with God rests, and upon which we grow spiritually as well.   LOVE ......Continue Reading

 Characteristics of Acceptable Worship

Characteristics of Acceptable Worship: The Spirit And Truth Way

Kingdom of Christ

Worship is a lifestyle. It is not only limited to the traditional praise and worship songs we do per say in our churches. Although, it includes it, because the songs actually are medium through which we express our worship and admiration to God, but that is not all there is to worshipping the Father. Worship is what you do with your li......Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The MAGNIFICENCE of The Discipler
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